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Filthy Lies (Blackstone Dynasty 2)

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"No." Sounds of agonized weeping met my ears as she tried to compose herself. "It's always been so h-hard for m-m-me…to talk about it with James and his s-sister."

"All right, that's okay. I'm going to give you an address. You go there whenever you are ready. Bring clothes and necessities with you but not your phone or your vehicle because they can be tracked. You are to get a ride and pay with cash. Do you understand everything I've said, Vanessa?"


"It's a safehouse where you can stay until we decide what you want to do next. If you'd like to bring James and Victoria into the discussion then we can certainly do that because I know they will support you in any way that they are able, but know that whatever you decide to do will be kept confidential until you tell me otherwise. You'll be safe here and incognito for as long as you need to be. Onc

e you arrive, your name goes in the system and your case is a matter of record. That's the law, and nobody is exempt, not even a federal judge sitting on the bench of the First Circuit Court of Appeals."

I was exhausted when I got home and my back hurt. I wanted to soak in the tub and take a nap before dinner. Dinner, which would definitely be delivered to our door. The stress of the afternoon had done a number on me, as well as the added burden of keeping quiet to James that his mother was right this minute in the Sherborn safehouse trying to take steps for a much needed change in her life. I felt sure she would be ready to talk to him and Victoria tomorrow after a good night's sleep, but when a new case is opened it's usually best to let the person have a day or two of solitude to process everything. I'd left her in Alanna's care with a cup of chamomile tea and two little darlings on either side of her enjoying a read of Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. Best medicine ever for a broken heart.

While I was changing my clothes a text from James came through. Beautiful, I have a mediation meeting at 6:00. I won't be home till 8:00ish. Love u and be naked when I get there. Ur kinky fucker xo

Yes, you are. I laughed out loud at his signature and felt some relief that I didn't have to deal with ordering dinner since he would be late. I could make some toast and soup and take my bath after all. Annnd be naked when he got home.

I was washing the dishes when the doorbell rang. I figured it was Brooke because she often popped by around this hour to go over Blackwater Sanctuary business, but she usually messaged me first. I wasn't up for meeting tonight though. I was just too tired and my backache hadn't gone away. I still wanted my soak in the tub.

I opened the door and realized my mistake both in the same instant.

But it was too late because the door was already open…and pushing his way into the apartment was the judge, looking maniacal and furious.

"Where are you keeping my wife?" he asked in a low but terrifying voice.

"Somewhere safe from you and your abuse. You have about ten seconds to leave before I'm calling the cops."

"Calling the cops on me?" His eyes bulged in outrage as I realized my second mistake. I'd underestimated him. This man was dangerous and was very capable of hurting me. The signs were also unmistakable that the judge was truly insane.

He scared me.

"I don't think so, you meddling little bitch. I almost wish my son hadn't brought you into the fold, because I can now see that you're going to be a problem. I'll figure out what to do with you eventually, but right now you're going to tell me where Vanessa is hidden away, and you're going to fucking do it now."

"No, I'm not. In fact, I can't tell you. It's against the law for me to share confidential case information with anyone not authorized by the recipient. Surely I don't need to explain this to you, Judge."

"Where is James?" he demanded.

"He'll be home any minute, in fact he just texted that he's on his way," I lied, but hoping like hell it might be true.

"My son has done exactly what I told him to do with you by the way." His expression was smug…and hatefully empowered as he walked in and paced around the room as if he owned the place.

"And what might that be?" I shot back.

"Impregnate you and stage a big family wedding for the press."

"He did not, and you are fucking crazy. Get out now!" I pointed to the door.

"Do you need to hear a recording of our conversation at The Autumn Ball to help you change your mind?"

"He's already told me about your ultimatum. I know all about it." The judge had hurt James before, so he wasn't to be trusted about anything he claimed to be true. Lying came very easy to him.

"Did he?" His face changed into one of intense triumph as he caught on. "Not a problem, my dear. Just have a listen." He tapped his phone and held it up.

Judge: "Trouble in paradise so soon?"

James: "You need to back the fuck off if you want this to happen. I already told you her family doesn't know about us yet."

Judge: "Why the hell don't they know? What are you waiting for? Get this situation nailed down and settled or I settle it for you. Do your job and get her pregnant. It shouldn't be this hard, son." I could hear a pause and then a mean little laugh come from the judge. "But maybe that's the problem for you. Your cock's not hard enough to get the job done. Do you need some help from another cock perhaps?" Then a break in the audio. "Marry a girl from a good family and get her pregnant. I am assuming you can figure that part of it—or get her pregnant first, and then marry her. In fact, a surprise pregnancy might work even better to endorse our support of traditional values with a thoroughly modern interpretation."

A longer pause…

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