Filthy Lies (Blackstone Dynasty 2) - Page 69



Six months later.

Fripp Island, South Carolina

"How is he doing, Caleb?"

"Funny you should ask, because he wanted to know the same about you." My big brother gave me a kiss on the cheek carefully so as not to damage my makeup. "But first, I need to tell you what a beautiful bride you are, and how honored I am to walk you down the aisle today. I know Dad is watching over all of us and he sees you, Win. He's thrilled with your choice of a husband. Dad respected James very much, and I know Mom loves him too. You've done well, little sister."

"You'd better stop now or my makeup will be washed away and it took a really long time."

He took my hand in his and clasped it. "Got it. As to your question about your groom, well I can tell you he's still standing and able to answer yes or no questions…but that's about it. He's so ready to marry you." Caleb whistled and shook his head back and forth. "He told me he wouldn't be able to relax until he sees you walking down the aisle to him, and his isn't lying."

"He knows I'd run through fire to make my way down the aisle to him if I had to. He just likes to worry."

"I can't blame him for loving my little sister."

I thought I should change the subject to something a little lighter. "How is Lucas treating my man? Are the boys playing nice in the sandbox this evening?" I couldn't help asking, because James and Lucas still had spats from time to time even though they mostly kept the peace—or ignored each other.

Caleb chuckled, clearly finding the two of them and their contentious relationship amusing as hell. "I think they'll manage to keep the fisticuffs to a minimum since it's your wedding day."

"They'd better." I brushed at nonexistent speck of lint on Caleb's lapel and asked, "Has Mom even let Johnny out of her arms yet today?"

"Not really. She made sure he had an extra-long nap earlier, so he could be awake during your wedding because she's holding him in her lap front and center. He looks quite swank in his miniature tux. Silly for a two-month-old to be dressed up in formalwear, but hey, if it makes her happy." It was apparent to everyone in the family that Caleb and our mom were trying hard to have a relationship based on honesty. The birth of baby John William, affectionately called Johnny, was helping with that, because she was really into being a grandmother. She took one look at that baby on the day he was born and felt completely and totally in love with him. Nobody could deny what a very beautiful thing it was when a precious babe could bring people together in love.

James and I had chosen our wedding day rather strategically because right now was the time that our son was to have been born. We wanted to mark the occasion and the date with good and wonderful moments spent with friends and family, feeling this was the best way to honor his memory. One day I'd discovered that James went to St. Clement regularly to light a candle for him. If I'd been able to love my James any more than I already did, then it would have happened that day. We named him Jeremey after a beloved grandfather on his mom's side. My dress had two interlocking J's embroidered into the silk. Many might not even notice or understand the significance, but I did and that's all that mattered. Two J's for my two J-men.

On the night that James and I attended The Autumn Ball, he'd put in a bid at the silent auction, but he never told me what it was for. Well, he won that silent auction, and then he sat on it for a good long time before finally sharing with me. The prize was an exclusive destination wedding package to Fripp Island, South Carolina for all of our guests to enjoy. So, after our ceremony tonight, all of those who'd planned to, were extending their stay on the island to include a beach holiday afterward. James and I were honeymooning. Not sure what the rest of them were doing because we had some very private plans of our own.

In lieu of gifts, we'd announced that donations were welcome to either of the safehouses, The Sanctuary at Blackwater or Safehouse-Sherborn. I needed nothing more than to marry the man I'd loved for the past decade. The rest we would figure out together.

Willow poked her head in and told us it was time. She had all of the girls lined up and ready whenever we were, she said. My sister was a newlywed herself, having tied the knot with Roger barely two months ago. Only the identicals, as Caleb liked to call them, were left to fall to matrimony. I had a feeling Lucas might be next with a certain sister whose initials were VB. James and I didn't talk about them—like ever. Now, I would have loved to discuss exactly what was going on with my brother and his sister, being the nosey matchmaker that I am, but James—not so much.

"I'm ready," I said to my brother. "I want to marry my James now."

* * *


The moment I'd waited for was finally here. My greatest fear and greatest joy all rolled up into one big clusterfuck of emotion. No best man standing by my side today either—but it was for the very best possible reason.

Caleb had a job so much more important than simply calming my fucking nerves.

He was walking the bride down the aisle...and giving her away on her wedding day—to me.

Brooke came first, then my sis, and then Willow. Everyone in their places doing what they were supposed to do. Shane and Brenna were the last to come down the aisle before the bride made her grand entrance.

The ocean breeze was warm and gentle, the island sunset timing out like clockwork, the guests giving silent witness to our pledge to each other when I spotted her on Caleb's arm. Looking so bright and beautiful I was blinded just a little.

A little fucking much.

My knees might have buckled just a fraction, too, but I stayed on my feet.

She was radiant, and smiling only for me, and so beautiful in her dress that I had to close my eyes for two seconds, sealing that image of her away in my mind forever.

So I'd never forget how my bride looked at me that first moment when we saw each other on our wedding day.

Tags: Raine Miller Blackstone Dynasty Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024