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Cat and Mouse (Alex Cross 4)

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Sampson looked over at me. “I told you he was careful. Good instincts. He is a goddamn Martian, Alex.”

“He spotted something,” I said. “He’s as good as Kyle always said. He knows how the Bureau works, and he saw something.”

Kyle and his team had wanted to let Pierce enter the Straw house before they took him down. Dr. Straw, his wife, and children had been moved from the place. We needed solid evidence against Pierce, as much as we could get. We could lose the case if we got Thomas Pierce to court without it. We definitely could lose.

A message crackled over the shortwave. “He’s headed toward Route Two. Something spooked him. He’s on the run!”

“He has a shortwave! He’s intercepting us!” I grabbed the mike and warned Kyle. “No more talk on the radio. Pierce is listening. That’s how he spotted us.”

I started the engine and gunned the sedan away from the curb. I pushed the speed up to sixty on heavily populated Lowell Road. We were actually closer to Route 2 than the others. We still might be able to cut Pierce off.

A shiny, silver BMW passed us, coming from the opposite direction on the road. The driver sat on her horn as we sped by. I couldn’t blame her. Sixty was a dangerous speed on the narrow village street. Everything was going crazy again, caroming out of control at the whim of a madman.

“There he is!” Sampson yelled.

Pierce’s car was heading into Concord Center, the most congested area of town. He was moving way too fast.

We sped past Colonial-style houses, then upscale shops, and finally approached Monument Square. I caught glimpses of the Town House, Concord Inn, the Masons Hall — then a sign for Route 62 — another for Route 2.

Our sedan whisked by car after car on the village streets. Brakes screeched around us. Other cars honked, justifiably angry and afraid of the car chase in progress.

Sampson was holding his breath and so was I. There’s a joke about black men being pulled over illegally in suburban areas. The DWB violation. Driving while black. We were up to seventy inside the city limits.

We made it in one piece out of the town center — Walden Street — Main — then back onto Lowell Road approaching the highway.

I whipped around onto Route 2 and nearly spun out of control. The pedal was down to the floor. This was our best chance to get Thomas Pierce, maybe our last chance. Up ahead, Pierce knew this was it, too.

I was doing close to ninety now on Route 2, passing cars as if they were standing still. Pierce’s Thunderbird must have been pushing eighty-five. He’d spotted us early in the chase.

“We’re catching this squirrelly bastard now!” Sampson hollered at me. “Pierce goes down!”

We hit a deep pothole and the car momentarily left the road. We landed with a jarring thud. The wound in my side screamed. My head h

urt. Sampson kept hollering in my ear about Pierce going down.

I could see his dark Thunderbird bobbing and weaving up ahead. Just a couple of car lengths separated us.

He’s a planner, I warned myself. He knew this might happen.

I finally caught up to Pierce and pulled alongside him. Both cars were doing close to ninety. Pierce took a quick glance over at us.

I felt strangely exhilarated. Adrenaline powered through my body. Maybe we had him. For a second or two, I was as totally insane as Pierce.

Pierce saluted with his right hand. “Dr. Cross,” he called through the open window, “we finally meet!”

Chapter 126

“I KNOW about the FBI sanction!” Pierce yelled over the whistle and roar of the wind. He looked cool and collected, oblivious to reality. “Go ahead, Cross. I want you to do it. Take me out, Cross!”

“There’s no sanction order!” I yelled back. “Pull your car over! No one’s going to shoot you.”

Pierce grinned — his best killer smile. His blond hair was tied in a tight ponytail. He had on a black turtleneck. He looked successful — a local lawyer, shop owner, doctor. “Doc.”

“Why do you think the FBI brought such a small unit,” he yelled. “Terminate with prejudice. Ask your friend Kyle Craig. That’s why they wanted me inside Straw’s house!”

Was I talking to Thomas Pierce?

Or was this Mr. Smith?

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