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Reveal Me, Sir (Doms of Decadence 9)

Page 29

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“Yeah. Right. Trevor only helps himself.” There was a bitter note to Ria’s voice.

“If you need to fire me, I understand,” Sophie told Ajax. Her words were brave, but her lower lip trembled and tears filled her eyes.

He might have felt sorry for her if it weren’t for the video footage he had of her helping herself to the club’s money.

“I’m not going to fire you because you’re injured and can’t work.” Ajax’s voice was gentle, and Sophie folded in on herself, looking relieved.

“But he will fire you for stealing from the club,” Connor added in a firm voice. He hated to be the bad guy, but it was obvious Ajax wasn’t going to be. He couldn’t forget the job he’d been brought in to do.

Although he had to say, he felt like he was kicking a puppy. And he couldn’t help but wonder what her reasons were. As he looked around the motel room, it became obvious this wasn’t where her money was going. And she wasn’t dressed in the latest fashion. Gambling habit? Drink? Drugs? Somehow, he didn’t think so. Somehow, he thought the answer was going to be much more complex. And he didn’t think he was going to like it.

“What the hell?” Ria gaped up at Connor. What the fuck was he talking about? “Sophie isn’t a thief! What right do you have to come in here and accuse her of being a criminal? What the hell are you even doing here anyway? Ajax, I understand. He’s her boss and he’s actually worried about her. You, on the other hand, are no one, and I think it’s time you left!”

Ria was breathing heavily by the time she’d finis

hed yelling at Connor, who just stood there and stared at her calmly. Fuck him. Did nothing rattle this guy? She was starting to wonder if he actually had feelings and emotions like normal people. Or was he some sort of robot?

“Well?” She looked over at Ajax for back-up. The other man just stared at Sophie, his gaze assessing. Cool. Nothing like the concerned man from minutes before.

She froze. She’d seen him look that way before. The other night when those assholes had grabbed Sophie was one instance. The other time was when he’d overheard a Dom laying into his sub when they were in the bar. It had been way beyond what was called for.

That Dom had never come back.

Ajax had a huge protective streak. But he didn’t look protective right now. He didn’t turn to Connor and tell him to fuck off the way she knew he would if . . . if he thought what Connor had said was untrue.

She turned to look at Sophie. The other woman was even paler, if that was possible.

She looked from Connor to Ria to Ajax. “I-I—” Her eyes rolled up in her head and she slumped, falling backwards. Ria was closest and she grabbed her. But even though Sophie was several pounds lighter than Ria, her dead weight was more than she could take and she felt herself slipping to the ground.

“Shit.” Ajax reached for Sophie, pulling her up into his arms then laying her on the bed.

Before she could get to her feet, Connor reached down and grabbed her around the waist, lifting her. She readjusted her assessment of his strength. Plucking her off the ground so easily was no easy feat.

“Come on, Soph, wake up.” Ajax was lightly patting her face.

She turned to Connor. “This is your fault.”

Connor sighed. “I didn’t make her steal from the club, Ria.”

“Sophie is not a thief. I don’t know what you think you know, but—”

“I have video evidence,” he interrupted just as Sophie started to moan softly.

Ria stared up at him. That couldn’t be true. Sophie couldn’t have done that. He must be mistaken.

“You’re lying.” But even she could hear the lack of conviction in her voice.

Another person might have gotten mad at her for accusing them of lying. He just gave her a look filled with pity. She clenched her fists together. She hated being pitied. Hated it.

And she knew Sophie. Okay, maybe he did have evidence. But she knew her friend would have a damn good reason for doing it.

“Sophie isn’t a thief.”


She held up a hand and, surprisingly, he quietened. That was a shocker. Doms didn’t always take well to someone else instructing them. Martin certainly hadn’t.

She pushed him out of her mind.

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