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Reveal Me, Sir (Doms of Decadence 9)

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It wasn’t a question. More a declaration. She sighed. What was she really protesting about? If he wanted to do it then who was she to tell him no?

“You have the prettiest pussy. So plump and moist. I’ve been dying to taste you all night and nothing is going to stop me.” He parted her lower lips and groaned. “Yep, a fucking work of art.”

He lowered his face towards her mound and took a deep sniff, shocking her. “Christ, you smell so good. What are you going to taste like? Will you be salty? Sweet? Fuck, I need to know."

He took a long lick, from the bottom of her slit all the way to the top, ending with him lapping the flat of his tongue over her clit. She whimpered and clenched down around the plug. He’d been right, the feeling of something in her ass made everything more sensual. Sharper.

Fuck. Fuck.

He continued to lap at her. At first his movements were light and slow. Then he dug in deep. He explored her. There wasn’t an inch of her pussy he didn’t cover with his tongue. She’d kind of thought he might just tap her clit until she came.

But not Connor. Nope. He covered every inch of her. He used his fingers to keep her spread wide. There wasn’t a part of her hidden to him. Her whole body lit up. Her breasts felt heavy and her nipples ached. Her ass was filled and yet wanting. And she needed to come so badly she came close to screaming her demand to the entire room.

Only that would likely get her the opposite effect. So she bit her lip and kept her demands to herself.

Didn’t that just suck?

His thumb circled her clit. The vibrations in her ass started up again right as he struck, pressing his tongue deep inside her. Oh fuck. Oh fuck.

Her whole body tightened. Being restrained had always put her in a good mindspace, allowed her to let go of those worries and fears that plagued her. And yet this was above and beyond anything she’d felt before. The pleasure surged, making her scream as his thumb pressed down hard against her clit, and she came. Her ass clenched down on the plug and his tongue continued to fuck her relentlessly as tremble after tremble rocked her bound body.

She slumped back against the chair, her body limp, shudders still rocking her body as he lightly drew away from her pussy, giving her one last, lingering kiss on her tender clit.

The vibrator in her ass turned off and she whimpered slightly.

“That’s my good girl. Such a sweet little subbie. So obedient to come so hard for your Dom.” His soft words penetrated the haze in her mind and they filled her with a pleasure deep inside—where the part of her that felt rejected and unwanted resided. It was like a soothing balm to that place she tried so hard to keep buried.

She felt some tugging and realized he was taking off her bindings. She wanted to protest. She wanted to stay there forever. Bound by him. Under his protection. Because she knew while Connor was around he wouldn’t let anything hurt her.

He could hurt you.

She didn’t want to listen to that voice. She was a negative Nelly. Always pissing on her parade. She pushed the voice to one side. Sure, he could hurt her if she allowed herself to drop her shields and let him in. But that wasn’t happening

Right. Like your shields aren’t down now.

Back off, bitch.

All right, now she was arguing with her herself. And it wasn’t pretty. A shrink would, no doubt, have a field day with her. Probably just as well she didn’t have the money to pay for


A blanket was wrapped around her and she felt herself being lifted. She thought about protesting that she was too heavy then she remembered her hot ass and the rules. Damn man loved his rules, such a stickler for following them.

Would he hate her if he ever learned who she really was?

She stiffened at that thought and he leaned in, kissing the top of her head. “Easy now, baby. We’re just moving to the aftercare area, then I’ll take care of you.”

He was already taking care of her. It was more than anyone had done for her for a long time. And she wasn’t going to ruin it with her past. Or her fears.

“Thank you, Sir,” she told him. She wanted to give back to him. He hadn’t come. He’d told her there wouldn’t be any sex, but maybe she should be offering to take care of him. For now, she could give him her softer side. The submissive that lived inside her.

“For your orgasm?” There was amusement in his voice.

“For all of it,” she replied. “I haven’t felt that free in a long time. Now I feel exhausted but in a good way. As though I could actually sleep.”

“You don’t sleep?”

“Not much.”

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