Reveal Me, Sir (Doms of Decadence 9) - Page 73

Several people stopped by to speak to them. They all gave Ria admiring looks. Some making comments about her beautiful ass. How pretty it looked when it was plugged and red. At the beginning, she grew stiff each time someone approached. But as time passed she relaxed more and more.

Another Dom and his sub stopped by to talk to Joe. The Dom looked over at Connor. “Caught a little bit of your scene. My sub is now wanting me to tie her up but I don’t have a lot of experience with the ropes. You holding any classes?”

“Um.” He hadn’t been planning to. He looked over at Joe.

“Up to you. If you’re willing to help out we’d be glad of it. Seems like you’d have a willing subbie to play with.”

“Yeah, all right. I’ll see if I can work something out.” Wasn’t exactly part of his assignment. But then, he couldn’t see Roarke or Hunter complaining as long as it didn’t take him away from the job. If Ria wouldn’t mind helping out.

“Beautiful sub you have there. Heard what she did. Not a good idea for any sub to be thinking they can get away with lying about their needs and limits.” He sent his sub a firm look and she dropped her gaze immediately.

“I wouldn’t dream of doing that, Master.”

“Good, because you know you’d end up sitting on a hot ass and writing lines for me for at least a week.”

The woman’s eyes rose. They were wide and pleading. “Yes, Master.”

“Good little sub.” He ran his fingers down her cheek then nodded at them both and led her away.

“They’ve been married five years,” Joe told him. “But only just started playing recently. He didn’t think this was something she’d be into and she’d always been too scared to ask for what she needed.”

Connor nodded. Most people didn’t ask for what they needed. Too scared they’d be rejected. He wondered how Ria had found the courage to ask for what she needed. Hell, what was he saying? She had more courage than he was really comfortable with wh

en it led to her putting herself in dangerous situations.

A pretty, red-haired sub walked over. “Master Joe? Master Connor? Can I get you anything?”

“Yes, can you grab the two bottles of water I put in my bag and hand them to me, please, Kenna?” he asked, recognizing the sub who often worked in the aftercare room.

She reached in and grabbed them, handing them over.

“Thank you,” he told her.

Her smile was bright enough to warm a cloudy day. Then she turned to Joe and that smile dimmed. Interesting. Instead, she stared at him with a mix of longing and trepidation.

“Master Joe?”

“Nothing for me, Kenna. Thank you.”

She lingered for a few moments more. Just staring at him. Connor felt for the girl. It was obvious she was interested in the other Dom and he barely looked at her. Which was interesting. Because Joe didn’t seem the type to ignore a sub.

She left and he undid one of the bottles of water. “Ria, time to drink some water. You can sit up.”

She rolled over and tried to sit next to him on the sofa. Nope. He wasn’t having that. He kept her on his lap and drew the blanket up her to cover her, knowing it would make her more comfortable. There was a time for pushing and a time for giving care.

“Stay still. You’re not moving off my lap.”

And that was his final word on the matter.

She sighed, giving him a disgruntled look. “Be careful, little subbie. That looks suspiciously like a glare.”

She bit her lip, glancing down. He’d been right, her cheeks were a delicious bright red. She shifted a little and he knew that she was finding it hard to sit on her butt. The plug in her ass probably didn’t help matters. But that was staying in there for a bit longer.

She reached for the bottle of water he held, but he drew it out of reach. She stiffened, looked up at him with an almost hurt look. What was that about?

He drew the water back. “I’ll help you drink, little one,” he told her gently. He held the water up to her lips and tilted it.

He gave her a small smile when he pulled it away.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024