Reveal Me, Sir (Doms of Decadence 9) - Page 121

Connor sighed. “So what did you do that made her run from you?”

Freddy was silent. Connor turned to her. “Ria? Want to explain?

Oh, God. She couldn’t.

“Don’t,” Freddy said quietly.

“What?” Connor asked.

“Don’t make her choose. Don’t divide her loyalty. She can’t tell you what happened because it would incriminate me.”

“And if I was part of this family? Would I have that loyalty?”

She sucked in a breath. What was he saying?

“Ria told me that you wouldn’t accept who I am. What I do. That you’re very law-abiding.” Freddy spat out the last words like they gave him a bad taste.

“So long as what you do doesn’t touch Ria, doesn’t hurt her, then I don’t need to know what the fuck you do. But whatever happened did affect her.”

“I made a mistake,” Ria blurted out. She ran a hand over face, aware she was shaking. “I trusted the wrong person and he was only with me because he wanted information about Freddy.”

“Your old Dom?”

She nodded. “Yeah.”

“So you ran?” He looked puzzled.

“Ria thought I was angry with her. That I believed she’d betrayed me. She misheard a conversation. And left before she got the full story.”

“Made assumptions, did she?” Connor asked.

“Yes. That can sometimes be another fault of hers.”

“Can we not stand here and go over my faults,” she begged. “I don’t understand what’s happening.”

“What’s happening is your Dom realized he made a mistake and came for you,” Freddy explained. “Probably worried you were in trouble.”

“What? Really?” Her heart melted. He was worried about her? Then she realized that just because he was worried didn’t mean he wanted her. “I’m fine. Freddy would never hurt me.”

“What I want to know is, is it just her Dom that’s here?” Freddy asked. “Or is it the man who loves her as well? The Dom can punish her for disobeying him. But can the man forgive and love her?”

She stared at Freddy with wide eyes. What was he doing?

Connor stared at her through hooded eyes. “Yes. I can. I do.”

She swallowed heavily, aware it wasn’t the declaration of her dreams. He wasn’t taking her into his arms. Wasn’t telling her he wanted to be with her.

“Ria, tell me the truth. Why didn’t you tell me who you are?”

“Because it would incriminate Freddy. And because I didn’t think you could handle who I am.”

“Anything else?”

“Because I wanted to protect you.” She licked her lips. “I thought Freddy believed I’d betrayed him. If he’d found me I thought he would kill me. And anyone with me.”

Connor nodded. “And how do you feel about me?”

“I love you.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024