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A Taste of Sir (Doms of Decadence 6)

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“I don’t have a sex face and I wasn’t thinking about sex!” Lacey half-shouted. Two older women, their gray hair tightly permed, turned to stare at them.

Mortified, Lacey gave them a small wave while Cady burst into laughter, practically rolling on the ground as tears ran down her face.

“Cady, shut up,” Lacey told her as the two ladies turned away in a huff, their heads bent together. They turned once to look back at the two of them, and one shook her head in clear disgust.

Lacey dropped onto her back and looked up at the sky.

“You’re a bad influence on me,” Lacey grumbled.

“No, I’m a great influence on you. You need to loosen up. If you were wound any tighter, you’d injure yourself. You need to have some fun. Laugh a little.”

Lacey wrinkled her nose, but she couldn’t really argue with her. When was the last time she’d had fun? Real fun? The type where she could let loose and laugh until tears ran down her cheeks. She smiled at little. Sex face. It had been kind of funny.

“You know, you should come to the club with us one Saturday night.”

Lacey rolled onto her side and leaned up on one elbow. She was probably wrinkling the hell out of her navy blue suit, but she didn’t care. She’d taken off the jacket already, it was too hot outside to keep it on. She was going to have to invest in some lighter office clothes once it got closer to summer or she’d melt.

Maybe it was time to branch out. Try something new. She looked over at Cady’s jeans and T-shirt with envy. She couldn’t be that relaxed, she needed to at least look professional. But maybe she could still be professional while dressed in something other than her drab and dreary suits.

“A club isn’t really my scene.”

“Oh, this isn’t a normal sort of club. And I think it will be your scene, you just don’t know it.”

“All right, now you’ve piqued my interest.” She sat up. “What sort of club is it?”

“Hunter and Gray own a club with their friend, Simon, who runs it. He seems a bit scary when you first meet him, but he grows on you. Sort of. His wife is a sweetie.”

“They own a club?” Somehow she couldn’t imagine Gray as a nightclub owner.

“A BDSM club.”

“A sex club?” Her mouth dropped open as she stared at Cady in shock. “They own a sex club?”

“Shh.” Cady looked over at some men jogging past with a laugh. “Do you want to draw an audience?”

It hadn’t seemed to concern her before.

“And it’s not a sex club. BDSM isn’t about sex.”

Could have fooled her. S

he raised her eyebrows.

“Well, that’s not to say people don’t get sexual fulfilment from practicing BDSM. But you can engage in BDSM without any sex or sexual release.”

“Wait, so you’re saying that you are a part . . . that you’re . . . um, a . . .”

“Submissive? Yep, sure am. And proud of it. Hunter is my Dom, obviously. I don’t think anyone would mistake Hunter for a sub.”

No, they certainly wouldn’t.

Nor Gray.

“So, Gray is . . .”

“A Dom, he sure is.” Cady watched her closely, studying her. “How does that make you feel?”

What was she getting at? “Um, how is it supposed to make me feel?”

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