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A Taste of Sir (Doms of Decadence 6)

Page 82

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“Jesus, don’t they realize they’re in the middle of a parking lot,” Gray muttered.

“Wait for it,” Travis warned.

The man turned, giving them a good view of his face.

“Got ya,” Gray said.

“Maybe.” Travis’s voice was wary.

The man grinned, smiling right up into the camera.

“He knows where the camera is,” Lacey stated in surprise. “Are they obvious?”

“No,” Travis muttered. “He’s done his homework.”

He did something with his fingers and Lacey frowned. What was that?

“What a stand-up guy. Is this all of it?” Gray asked.

“Yeah, that’s it. They get into a van, dark windows, no distinguishing features, and the plates are stolen. So, no help there.”

“At least it’s something to go on. Thanks for your help.” Gray stood, and Lacey rose as well, swaying slightly.

Travis reached out and grabbed hold of her arms, steadying her. “When was the last time you ate?”

She waved off his concerns. “I’m fine.”

“You’re light-headed and pale. Come on, I’m going to take you out for dinner. Something you should have had hours ago.” Travis glared at Gray as he said those words. “Your boyfriend needs to take better care of you.”

Gray’s jaw tightened, his gaze narrowing. Uh-oh.

Lacey stepped away from Travis’s hold, moving closer to Gray. “I’m fine, Travis. And it’s only eight. Hardly time to panic about the fact I haven’t had dinner.” Or lunch. “And for your information Gray takes very good care of me.”

“He better,” Travis said with clear warning in his voice. “Or he’ll have me to deal with.”


Gray didn’t feel like eating, but he made an effort for Lacey’s sake, knowing she did. Food flew off her plate, and guilt rolled around his stomach. Travis was right, he wasn’t taking care of her. He probably should have insisted she stay home. But, selfishly, he’d wanted her with him.

“Do you want to go visit Rory’s friends tonight?” she asked, delicately wiping her lips.

He shook his head. “I asked Connor to track down their phone numbers and addresses, but that will take time. We’ll get a good night’s sleep and go see them tomorrow.”

Not that he really thought he’d sleep, despite his exhaustion.

“Come on, let’s go back to our hotel room.” She signaled for the bill. “Things always seem worse when you’re tired.”

He reached across and took hold of her hand. “Have I ever told you how lucky I am to have you in my life?”

She blushed slightly, looking away. “I’m the lucky one. Believe me. I hope you didn’t take offence to anything my cousins said today. Especially Travis. They’ve been frightening off my boyfriends since eighth grade.”

He winked at her. “They won’t scare me off, I promise.”

The bill came, and he paid it. He helped her into her light jacket then led the way outside, keeping her close. As he drove them back to the hotel, his mind churned over everything they’d learned today. “I don’t like the boyfriend.”

She sighed, and he thought she’d argue with him. He pulled into the parking lot beneath their hotel. “Me either. He’s too possessive and the way he followed her, sending her notes and flowers, it’s stalking behavior.”

Yeah, that’s what he’d thought as well. His gut churned.

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