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Make Me, Sir (Doms of Decadence 5)

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Reagan widened her eyes. What had she done? “Did I say something wrong?”

“No.” Tara shook her head and placed the folder she carried on the cof

fee table. “I’m just insanely jealous.”

“Hi, Tara.” Tiny walked into the living room. “Someone pulled into 1A’s parking spot.”

“Was it an overweight male with a pony tail in a red truck?” she asked.


“It’s Donald. If you’re going to talk to him, then I’m going to—”

“Stay here.” Tiny gave her a firm look. “Tara, stay with her.”

“Yes, Sir,” Tara told him with a small smile.

Reagan placed her hands on her hips with a sigh. He moved close to her. “I mean it. Stay here.”

“Ooh, I’ve got goosebumps,” Tara said after he’d left.

“Are you cold? I can turn down the air.”

“Cold? No, I got goosebumps over how forceful Tiny is. He always seems so easygoing and then bam! Out comes the Dom.”

“He’s bossy.”



“The best kind.” Tara sighed. “You’ve just got to know how to handle them. They’re all the same, stubborn, protective, and commanding. And we wouldn’t have them any other way.”

No, she guessed she wouldn’t. Although, she was starting to feel very constricted. Like she was stuck in a goldfish bowl. Everyone was watching her, and she was just swimming in circles, never getting anywhere.

She rubbed at her temple and sat on the sofa. “It’s not working out.”

“What’s not working out?” Tara asked.

“It’s not working with Tiny.”

Tara sat on a chair. “What’s not working? Is having him here too difficult?”

She felt like she was sitting on a ticking time bomb with no idea when it was going to explode. “No. Tiny has been pretty accommodating of the way I like to do things. And it’s been nearly two weeks, and he’s still here, which is longer than I thought he’d last.”

“Reagan, you’re not an awful person.”

“I’m awful to live with. Did I ever tell you I tried to live with a roommate when I first moved here? They lasted three days. Left half their belongings and just took off without even leaving a note.”

“Speaking of notes, has anything else happened?”

“No. And that’s the problem. Well, not a problem, exactly. It’s not like I want someone breaking into my apartment or leaving me creepy notes. But how are we going to catch this asshole if they don’t make a move?”

“I know you’re stressed, but Tiny knows what he’s doing.”

“And what if this person is just waiting until Tiny goes?” she whispered her real concern. “He’ll need to go back to his job eventually.”

Tara gave her a sympathetic look. “I know.”

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