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Make Me, Sir (Doms of Decadence 5)

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“N—no. He didn’t hurt me. He had a knife. He threatened me. But he never got a chance to—to hurt me.”

Tiny pulled out his phone, holding it up to his ear. “Get your ass to Reagan’s. Got a body.”

Reagan let out a small laugh. “He’s gonna think you killed somebody.”

“It’s a possibility.” Tiny scowled. “Who is he? What happened?”

“He thinks he’s my fiancé.” She laughed again. It surprised her that she could laugh. She was actually handling this very well.

He thought she was close to losing it. He winced as she laughed, sounding slightly hysterical. She was in shock, shivers shaking her body.

“Wait here,” he told her. He took another look at the asshole who’d attacked her, but he was still out for the count. Tiny hurried as he moved into the bedroom and grabbed a blanket and a silk scarf. As he moved across the living room, he spotted the wicked looking knife on the floor.

He left it there for Jack.

The rage pumping through his veins nearly reached boiling point. That bastard would stay unconscious if he knew what was good for him. Because Tiny was itching for a reason to hurt him.

He quickly tied up the bastard’s wrists with the scarf then turned to Reagan who sat, staring at her attacker.

Tiny wrapped the blanket around her. “Reagan, focus on me.” He waited patiently. “What happened?”

“I—I—I— would you like coffee?”

“Baby. Look at me.” He waited until her gaze was on his. “You’re safe. I’m here.”

“Yes, you’re here. Why are you here?”

“To see you. I resigned. I’m moving here.”

She let out a bark of laughter, and he watched her with concern.

“But you can’t resign. I resigned. I’m moving to Dallas to be with you.” She snorted with laughter. “We’re going to be awfully lonely in strange towns, apart from each other.”

She’d been coming to him?

A movement at the doorway caught his attention, and he stood, turning to protect her. Jack rushed in, looking harried.

He glanced over at Tiny then down at the male on the ground. “Fuck, there really is a body.”

Chapter Fourteen

Reagan held the cup of hot chocolate between her frozen hands. Tiny wouldn’t let her have coffee. He also wouldn’t let her move from the chair. A couple of police officers had escorted Abraham to the hospital.

“Reagan? Reagan?” She glanced up into Jack’s face. He studied her carefully. “Are you up to telling me what happened?”

Yes, of course, she was. She wasn’t hurt or anything. Why wouldn’t she be up to it?

Suddenly, Jack was pushed away, and Tiny filled her vision. He crouched before her. Reaching for the cup of hot chocolate, he pulled it from her hands and put it on the coffee table. On a coaster. That little detail actually managed to help her focus.

Tiny. Tiny was here. He’d resigned from his job. He was going to move here for her. He’d fought off her attacker. Not that it had been much of a fight, Abraham was totally outclassed.

“You love me,” she told him.

“I do,” he replied seriously. He didn’t say anything else, but he didn’t have to. She threw herself into his arms. “I love you.”

“I know. I’m not letting you go again, Reagan.”

“Me neither.”

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