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Sinfully Yours, Sir (Doms of Decadence 4)

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Chapter Fourteen

Dylan left the newspaper he’d been reading on the table and stood, placing his empty coffee cup in the sink. He checked the time. It wasn’t even nine-thirty yet. He hadn’t fallen asleep until after four, but he’d woken up around eight and been unable to get back to sleep. He’d had very little sleep over the last week. Being apart from Tilly was horrid. He missed her far more than he’d ever imagined he would.

He hadn’t even managed to call her last night. The club had been busy. One of the newer subs had caused issues between two Doms, and by the time he’d sorted that issue out, he’d been well behind in the rest of his work.

There had been a few times when he’d actually considered hopping in his truck – which one of Rogan’s men had finally returned to him – and going to get her.

But she needed this time with her family.

A knock on the door caught him by surprise. Striding to the door, he peered out the peephole.

“Roarke!” he greeted his boss and friend with surprise. “What are you doing here?”

The other man looked at his watch with a groan. “I’m sorry, man. I didn’t even check the time. You weren’t still asleep, were you?” Roarke took in his jeans and t-shirt.

“No, it’s fine. Come in.”

Roarke laughed tiredly as he stepped inside. “When you’re living with a baby you kind of lose track of time. You know when it’s morning and night, but beyond that it’s all a bit of a blur.”

Ava had given birth to a beautiful baby girl, Lily, just over six weeks ago.

“It’s not a problem,” Dylan assured him. “I’ve been awake for a while. Coffee?”

“Thanks. I live on the stuff at the moment.”

“Me too,” Dylan said.

“Trouble sleeping?” Roarke asked as he followed him into the kitchen.

“A bit. I’m finding it hard to get into the swing of things after having a break.”

“And you’re missing Tilly,” Roarke added.

“And I’m missing Tilly.” He’d told everyone that Tilly was spending some time with her family. He’d let them think that the reason they’d left town so abruptly was due to family reasons.

“The reason I’ve barged in on your quiet Sunday morning is to talk to you about the club.”

“Something wrong?” Dylan asked.

“No, not at all. I just wanted to talk to you in privacy, and Lily was sleeping, so I thought I’d duck out while I had the chance. I’m looking to take a step back from the business. I have six clubs across the state. That means a bit of traveling around. Not a lot, but I like to keep my eye on things. I have managers in each, of course – people like you who deal with day-to-day management. I want to spend more time with my family. That means finding someone I trust to take over my job. I was wondering if you’d like to be that person.”

Dylan was floored. “Me?”

“Yeah. Extra responsibility, but extra money too. Also, it would be better hours. Still some late nights, of course, but you would be getting home earlier.”

“Wow, that’s an amazing offer.”

Roarke smiled. “You’re a hard worker, you’re smart and you’re good with people. You’re the only person I considered. Think about it. I’ll send you over some information.”

Roarke finished off his coffee and stood. “Think it over. Let me know.”

Dylan walked him out and shook his hand. As Roarke drove off, a large, dusty truck pulled up. He’d seen that truck before. A wide grin crossed his face as the front passenger door opened and Tilly jumped out.

“Dylan!” She yelled, racing up to the house. She threw herself at him. He braced himself, catching her easily and twirling her around.

His arm protes

ted the movement, but he ignored it.

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