Cole's Mistake (Haven, Texas 8) - Page 113

Patience. It was a virtue, right? Right then, he thought he ought to win a gold medal for how virtuous he was being.

When they left the store forty minutes later, Cole’s hands were laden with bags, Keira’s cheeks were flushed with excitement and a little embarrassment, and even Julian had lost some of that stiffness.

There was an easiness to the silence that filled the SUV as he drove them home. Keira commanded the radio and soon had country music blasting. He grinned in amazement as she sang every word to each song, completely off-tune.

“Keira loves country music,” Julian said, leaning forward. “Loves singing to it as well, even if she sounds like a cat having its tail pulled.”

“Hey!” Keira protested, turning to slap Julian’s arm. “I do not sound like that!”

“Uh-huh. You keep telling yourself that,” Julian said dryly. “I’ve seen cats run when you start singing.”

“Julian! You’re being mean.”

“I’m sorry, baby. Let me see if I can make it up to you.”

Julian undid his belt and slid across the back seat.

Cole had to stop himself from insisting Julian put his belt back on. He tapped his fingers against the steering wheel.

He moved his gaze over to Julian and Keira, noting that he’d dragged her top up over her breasts. He squeezed her bra-covered breast as she moaned. Cole glanced around, but there were no cars in sight.

“Julian, your seat belt,” he said in a low voice, no longer able to stay silent. This was about the other man’s safety.

Julian paused. Cole could feel his gaze on him.

“Julian, that’s unsafe,” Keira said quietly.

Julian sighed. “Sorry. Got carried away.”

“Well, Keira’s breasts are enough to bewitch anyone,” Cole said, trying to lighten the mood once more.

Julian slipped back and the light in the dash flickered off, meaning he’d buckled up.

“Keira, move your seat back and pull your breasts from your bra,” Julian commanded.

“W-what? I can’t do that,” Keira protested. “What if someone sees?”

“Sugar tits, do you really think I’d let anyone else see you like that? This is just for us.”

Cole glanced over at Keira, saw her giving him a nervous look. “There’s no one around. Plus, it would be hot.”

A pleased look filled her face and she fumbled with the seat until it glided back.

Then she hesitantly reached up and slid her breasts from the cups holding them.

Cole groaned and shifted on the seat. “You’re torturing me here, Julian.”

The other man let out a snort. “Oh, you’re not the only one being tortured. Fuck me, these breasts are so pretty.” Julian reached his arms over the top of Keira’s seat so he could cup her bare breasts. He played with her pale pink nipples, twisting them lightly.

Keira let out a low moan.

“Hell, yes,” Julian muttered. “My baby is so hot. So fucking sexy. Can’t even keep my hands off her for an hour-long car ride. Don’t you think so, Cole?”

“Oh, yes, I feel like I have a constant hard-on around her.”

“Bet you do after that blow job she gave you.”

“Interrupted blow job,” Cole countered, then wished he hadn’t said anything as Julian paused.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Haven, Texas Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024