How West Was Won (Haven, Texas 7) - Page 15

You can’t blame her. You drove her away. You got what you wanted.

And he should be proud of himself for a job well done, it seemed, since she not only wasn’t hanging around, annoying him any longer but she’d also quit pining after his family.

Only, now, Mia was on a tear and Alec wasn’t gonna be pleased his wife was upset. And his displeasure was gonna make its way onto West’s shoulders. Shit.

Sighing, he made his way down to the office.

“Mia, you’re not going over there. End of story.” There was a finality to his voice. West moved into the doorway, waiting for Mia’s capitulation. Then, he’d explain to her why Felicity was avoiding them all. She could give him shit then work on getting over it.

Except, Mia didn’t give in. She walked straight up to her big, imposing husband, got in his face, and growled. Actually growled.

West’s eyes widened. He’d known Mia for a year now. And she was a sweetheart, but she had a backbone; you had to have gumption to live with Alec and the rest of his brothers. But, mostly, she just liked to take care of the people around her.

Right now, she wasn’t the least bit interested in pleasing Alec. Or obeying him, it seemed.

“Flick is my friend. She’s in trouble, and I’m going to help her.”

“No. You. Are. Not.”

“What trouble?” West barked. What the hell kind of trouble could Felicity be in?

Mia whirled, and the look she sent him might have made a lesser man back away. That look was full of anger and contempt.

“You.” She stabbed her finger at West. “This is all your fault. I don’t know what you did to Flick, but I do know you’re going to get down on your goddamned knees and beg her forgiveness for being a jackass.”

He turned from Mia to look at Alec. “You wanna get your woman under control.”

Alec crossed his arms over his chest and gave him a nod.

Good. Cause he didn’t enjoy being called a jackass. And the only reason he wasn’t making that clear to Mia was because she was his brother’s woman.

He also liked her, so he didn’t want to scare her, but he fully expected Alec to take her in hand.

“Get me under control? Are you serious?” Mia’s eyes shot sparks. Her temper was in full swing.

“Mia, calm down.”

She whirled towards Alec. “I can’t calm down. She’s my friend and he did something.” She pointed back at West.

Alec nodded. “I know he did.”

Hey. Wait. What?

West frowned.

“And when Beau and Maddox bring her back here, this jackass can get down on his knees and fucking apologize to her.” Alec’s eyes didn’t flash with temper. They were arctic cold. Why the fuck was he the bad guy? He’d done what needed to be done. He’d thought Alec would back his play—Felicity wasn’t one of them.

And he was completely over being called a jackass. There was also no way in hell he was getting down on his knees and begging anyone’s forgiveness.

“Like fuck I will.”

The full force of Alec’s gaze hit him. “You saying you didn’t say something to that girl that meant she’d cut herself off not only from you, who she clearly adored, but from this family and most importantly from my woman, who she also adores and who adores her back?”

“That’s a lot of fucking adoration going on,” he muttered.

“Quit with the bullshit, West. You did something.”

“I just made it clear I wasn’t the right choice for her.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Haven, Texas Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024