How West Was Won (Haven, Texas 7) - Page 59

It really, really was.

“Honey, I know what happened to Lana hit West hard. He’s got some demons because of it. And maybe she’s part of the reason he’s helping you. But I don’t think it’s the only reason. I was shocked as hell when he said he wanted to be your guardian. West doesn’t usually, well, he’s not very good with people. Doesn’t really like anyone other than his family. But around you, he seems different.”

“He’s made it clear he’s not interested in me in any sort of romantic way. He’s not attracted to me.”

“Yeah? So he hasn’t been sleeping in your bedroom every night?”

“On the floor!” Well, other than the first night. “And it’s because he knows I have nightmares. He wants to be there in case I need help to get back to sleep.”

Mia raised her eyebrows. “Right. He’s sleeping on a hard floor when there’s a bed next door just to help you get back to sleep when you have a nightmare.”

It did sound a little ridiculous.

“He’s being my friend.” Even she heard the doubt in her voice.

“West doesn’t have friends, honey. He has the family. That’s it.”

“He still loves Lana

. Still feels guilty over what happened to her. You warned me against feeling anything for him because of her.”

“I know, but that’s before I saw the way he is with you.”

“He’s treating me like I’m made of glass.”

“Course he is. You’re still wearing the bruises on your face from what that asshole did to you. Your arm is in a sling and you’re shuffling around like an old woman. Once you’re feeling better, then he’ll make his move.”

“Uh-huh, sure he will.”

Mia smiled. “You just wait.”

“I won’t hold my breath.”

“Want to make a bet?” Mia asked.

“Oh, yeah, what’s the bet?”

“I bet you that within the month the two of you will have slept together. And I’m not talking about just sleeping.”

“You’re on,” Flick said. “What’s the prize though?”

Mia tapped her finger against her chin. “I win, you run interference with me for a month so I can drink my coffee in peace.”

“All right, and if I win you make me lasagna once a week for a month.”

“Deal.” They shook on it.

Flick picked up her coffee mug as a roar filled the house. She startled, dropping the mug, it fell onto the edge of the table then smashed against the floor. Her heart raced, her body freezing.

“Felicity!” someone yelled again.


She was dimly aware of Mia getting up and moving towards her. “Flick, you okay? Flick?”

She trembled, letting out a cry of fear as someone entered the kitchen. Someone big and angry. He was going to hurt her. She raised her arms to defend her face. Not that it would stop him. He was stronger than her.

There was the sound of cursing. And then she heard the scraping of her chair as it was turned. She flinched back, her heart racing, waiting for the first punch.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Haven, Texas Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024