How West Was Won (Haven, Texas 7) - Page 73

“Yeah. We think that if you hadn’t tripped and Beau hadn’t reached for you, that the bullet aimed his way would have caused more damage.”

Killed him, he meant. She swallowed back a wave of nausea. He immediately moved back to her side, sitting on the bed, facing her. She tried to slide away, but he grabbed her around the waist. The feel of him branded her.

“It wasn’t your fault,” he said in a low voice.

“I need to get away from you all. You’re not safe with me here. He’s trying to kill you!”

“He can try, but it’s not going to happen.”

“And what about the others? Beau was shot! Mia could get hurt! I can’t stay.”

“You will listen to me. You will do what I say. You’re not leaving my side. Promise?”

Her heart raced; she was going to throw up. “Sick.”

He leaped up and grabbed a basin, holding her up as she vomited. Nothing much came up; her stomach was empty. The muscles in her tummy spasmed and she groaned.

“Sh, baby. Sh. It’s all right. I’m here. You’re safe, baby girl.”

“It’s not me I’m worried about, West.”

He helped her lie back and then he moved over to the cupboards at the side of the room, pulling out a washcloth, which he wet in the sink. He came back and sat next to her again, washing her face gently with a cloth. The care he showed her brought a wave of tears to her eyes. She had to fight hard not to let them fall free. “Can’t you see? He’s not going to stop. He’s going to hurt one of you again. Please, West. I need to go.”

He was silent for a long moment, thinking. Then he nodded. “All right.”

What did that mean? All right? That he agreed with her? He was going to let her leave? It was what she wanted, so she shouldn’t feel this disappointment. She guessed she’d wanted him to put up more of a protest. Hadn’t he just said she wasn’t moving out of his sight? Then he changed his mind so quickly.

“Wait. So you’re not even going to argue with me? That’s it? You’ll let me go on my own?”

He raised an eyebrow. “Don’t believe I said anything about you going on your own.”

Relief hit her hard, making her feel dizzy.

“Did I not just tell you that you weren’t to leave my side?” he grumbled.

“But what if you get hurt?”

Damn it, Flick. Be quiet. You don’t want to leave him.

“That’s for me to worry about.”


“I have a plan, I just need to talk to Alec about it,” he told her firmly. And she knew she wouldn’t get anything more out of him.

“Okay, I guess we can discuss it later. Right now, I’d really like to see Beau. Can you get the doctor to release me?”

He ran his gaze over her. “You’re still not looking well. You’re pale, and you just threw up.”

“I’m getting used to the whole vomiting thing now,” she said without thinking.

His gaze narrowed. “What the fuck does that mean? You’ve been vomiting. You’re sick?”

“Um, I’m going to plead the fifth on that.”

He took told of her chin. “Nope.”

“Nope? That’s all you’ve got to say? Nope.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Haven, Texas Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024