How West Was Won (Haven, Texas 7) - Page 101

She woke up with West wrapped around her, the way they always slept together. Only difference now, since they’d had sex, he liked to sleep with his hand cupping her pussy. Claiming it.

When he’d first done that, she wasn’t sure how she felt about it.

Now, though, she wasn’t sure she could go off to sleep without feeling him there.

They’d been at the cabin for four days, and, even though it was a bit of a learning curve for her, she’d gotten into the swing of things. Not to say she’d want to live like that all the time, however, for a short time, with West all to herself and no distractions, it was bliss.

She’d worried she might get bored after a while. However, there was little time for that. West had what could only be described as a voracious appetite. When he wasn’t cooking, chopping firewood or doing maintenance on the cabin, he usually had her pinned against the wall, the bed, or over the table. He’d even taken her last night in the bathtub. That just might be her new favorite.

Wasn’t like she was complaining though. Her pussy was a total slut when it came to West. When he wasn’t fucking her, she spent her time lounging around reading on her kindle. West even had this solar-powered charger so she could keep it going.

Yesterday afternoon, he’d insisted she read to him while he cooked them lunch. Steak for him. Vegetarian patties for her. That had ended in him carrying her inside and fucking her hard and fast on the couch.

Damn, that had been good.

She felt the pressure of her bladder and knew she had to get up. Normally, West woke before she did, but as she slid out of bed, he just rolled to his back and continued to sleep. He usually took her to the outhouse; in fact, he’d made it clear she wasn’t to go without him. But he’d repaired both the back and front porches, so she’d be okay making the journey herself. She reached down for his T-shirt. She spent all her time in his T-shirts, which were like dresses on her anyway. West had tried to instigate a no-panties rule, which she’d fought against.

Surprisingly, he’d caved.

Not surprisingly, he tried to rip them from her every chance he got.

She slid a pair of flip flops on her feet and made her way quietly out to the outhouse. As quickly as she could, she got her business done. It was early, the world around h

er so still and quiet. She took a moment just to look around her before she made her way back inside. Her tummy growled. Her appetite had definitely returned since they’d been here.

She walked in to find West pulling on a pair of jeans. When he looked up and saw her, she froze. The anger on his face held her in place.

“Is, uh, everything all right?”

“Where were you?” he barked, striding towards her.

It took all her courage to hold herself in place. “I went to the outhouse.”

“What are you supposed to do if you need the bathroom?” He stopped about a foot away from her, his scowl was ferocious enough to have her swallowing heavily.

West would never hurt you.

As though he saw her fear, and she knew it was likely he did, he took a deep breath, reining his anger in.

“I’m not going to hurt you.”

“I know. Sorry. Sometimes it’s instinctive.”

“Get that. Gonna take time. What are you supposed to do if you need to use the outhouse?”

“I’m supposed to wake you, but you fixed the back porch.”


“I thought the only reason I couldn’t go out on my own was because the back porch was rotten.”

He narrowed his gaze. “You are not to leave my sight, for any reason, unless you ask me first. Got it?”

“Ask you?” Her own temper stirred.

“Yes. Ask me. I woke up and had no fucking clue where you were! Don’t you know how worried I was? Don’t you know I can’t lose you!”

Her anger faded. Even though she thought he was overreacting, it was obvious his anger stemmed from worry over her.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Haven, Texas Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024