How West Was Won (Haven, Texas 7) - Page 110

She swallowed heavily. “I feel ill.”

“I know, baby. But soon it will all be over. Once Snake tells Jake everything, he can go arrest your brother.”

“Unless my brother realizes what’s going on when Snake doesn’t turn up with me and runs. I have to go meet with him.”



West paced up and down. She stood and watched him, aware of Alec, Butch, and Jake watching them. One of Jake’s deputies was guarding Snake. They’d driven up on ATVs rather than riding. One of the ATVs was a two-seater so they could transport Snake back easier.

“West, just listen to me—”

“It’s not happening,” he growled.

“West, if you would just hear—”

“No. Nope.”

She looked over at Alec for support. He just shrugged.

“Whatever you decide, it needs to be now,” Jake said. “I got deputies headed to the place where he’s holed up. Not gonna take a chance on him running.”

“I just want to be there when he’s arrested.”

“I don’t want you near him.”

“You’ll keep me safe.”

He grunted.

“You, Alec, and Butch will be there. So will Jake and his deputies. I’ll be safe. I just need to know for sure he’s been caught.”

Before, she might have been conflicted over sending Spencer to jail. But not now. Not after Beau had been shot. Not after Snake had held a gun to her man’s head.

“You’re never going anywhere near that fucker again.”

“West. Please.”

He let out a low, growly noise. He stopped and studied her. Then he sighed, and she knew she’d won. “All right. You can come, but you’re to get nowhere close to that fucker. You’re with me the entire time. Understand? You do not move without my permission.”

“I understand.”

“Let’s go,” Jake said. “Duncan, you take Snake back and book him. Meet you at the station with O’Malley.”

She rode behind him on the ATV Snake had used to get to the cabin. The ride to where Spencer was waiting didn’t take long. Snake had told them he’d been holed up in a hunting cabin set on Spencer’s land. Honest to God, did every ranch have one? She wasn’t sure why he hadn’t just waited at the house. Maybe he was worried the Malones or Jake’s deputies were watching the house.

West pulled up out of sight of the cabin. “Gonna walk up from here so he doesn’t hear the bikes. You keep ahold of me at all times, understand?”

“Yes,” she whispered. It wasn’t like she was keen on wandering around in the dark on her own. She grasped hold of the back of his jeans as he made his way through the trees. It was growing lighter; dawn wouldn’t be far away. When they got closer they saw a shack that looked similar to the one she’d been holed up in with West. This one had an old trail running up to it, so it could be reached by a vehicle, and she saw her brother’s specially modified vehicle sitting there.

She swallowed heavily as she saw dark shadows move towards the cabin. One deputy moved to the car, one went around the back. Jake and another took the front.

Someone moved beside them and she jumped, letting out a soft gasp.

“Easy, baby girl.” West reached over and squeezed her arm gently. “It’s just Alec and Butch.”

“Police, open up.” Jake knocked on the door. To her surprise, the door opened almost immediately.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Haven, Texas Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024