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Golden Binds

Page 56

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“But you’d spank them.”

He smiled. “Now, that’s a whole different kettle of fish.”

She snorted.

“And if it makes you feel better, you are the only female I ever intend to spank again.”

“Oh, that makes me feel loads better,” she told him.

“Good.” He smiled.

Note to self: Understanding sarcasm is not Sawyer’s strong suit.

“I have never felt for anyone what I feel for you, little one.”

Her heart skipped as he ran a finger down her neck. The painkiller was starting to kick in, but it was making her feel sluggish. Slow. He smiled down at her.

“You’re so gorgeous.”

He chuckled. “Those pills have hit you hard, huh?”

“I usually only take a half one. I’m little. It doesn’t take much to knock me out.”

“I’ll make a note of that for next time.” He frowned slightly. “Perhaps you don’t eat enough. I’ll watch that too.”

She tried to roll her eyes, but the room kind of spun, making her feel sick. She yawned.

“You need to sleep.”

“Can’t sleep while you’re here.”

“No? Why’s that?”

“Don’t know you.”

“But you will. I intend for us to know each other very well.”

“Because you’re going to share me with your brothers,” she said dryly. Her eyes were almost shut by then. “And how do you think that will work? Will you pass me around like a packet of chips? Won’t you get jealous of each other? I mean, how did your mother cope with three husbands? Three egos. Three attitudes. It’s three times the work.”

The mattress shifted, and she was lifted and then placed down again. She opened her eyes to find he’d shifted her across to the other side of the bed so he could lay down beside her.

“You could have just moved to the other side,” she grumbled. She’d been close to sleep.

“And have you between me and the door?” He sounded horrified. “What kind of protector do you take me for?”

“I already have a protector.”

He snorted. It was a disgusted noise. “Some protector. He wasn’t even able to keep you out of trouble. He had no idea where you were, did he?”

“No. He knew nothing. But that doesn’t make you my protector, Sawyer.”

“Well, you’re just going to have to get used to it because that’s exactly what I am. Now hush. You need to get to sleep. I’m going to have to have a talk with my brother about taking better care of you. He shouldn’t have kept you awake all night.”

“Maybe I kept him up all night,” she grumbled. “And, you know, maybe I’d rather not have a protector at all. Maybe I’d like to protect myself.”

She drifted off to sleep.

* * *

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