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Golden Binds

Page 79

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“Out. All of you.”

“Carlin—” Kian said.

“I’ve got this. Go question the messenger.”

His men left. Garret turned to him. “Messenger?”

He studied them for a moment. He wasn’t sharing until they did.

“Listen,” Joseph said. “We care about your sister. We are going to do whatever it takes to rescue her. But it would be a lot easier with your co-operation. Either way, we’re getting her out.”

For some crazy reason, he believed him.

“How do you know my sister?”

“That’s not relevant right now,” Sawyer stated. “Messenger?”

“Gio sent someone with a vid for me.” He turned the screen on his computer around and played the video back. But he didn’t watch it, instead he watched them. He saw Garret flinch as Gigi’s bruised, pale face appeared. Then Sawyer’s eyes narrowed dangerously as one of Gio’s men slapped her. She cried out, and Joseph let out a low noise of pain. He turned, striding to the door. Carlin watched him closely. There was something weird going on with his skin. Suddenly, he drew his fist back and ploughed it into the door.

“Easy, Joe,” Garret warned. “You need to keep control.”

The man took thirty seconds, took a few deep breaths, then turned to Carlin. His eyes almost glowed. That was . . . weird.

“We need those diaries.”

* * *

“There are tunnels that run under the city,” Garret explained to Carlin as he led them to Gigi’s bedroom. They could have found the diaries themselves but they’d figured it would be quicker and less painful with his co-operation. Getting into a war with both Gio and Blake on the same day wasn’t wise. They didn’t need the diaries to find her. After Joe had lost her scent, he’d raced back to the castle. Sawyer had tracked her using the GPS chip he’d put in her locket. But it would be easier if they could sneak in and get her.

“And my mother knew about them?”

“Yes, she wrote about them in her diaries,” Joe replied.

“Which Gigi has. And she never told me about them.” Carlin attempted to open the door to her bedroom and found it locked. He pulled back then slammed his shoulder against the locked door.

“Let me,” Garret said. He lifted his foot, slamming it once, twice against the wood. It cracked and he pushed his way through.

“Probably because you would have tried to put a stop to her adventures,” Joseph told him.

“Damn straight I would have. Those tunnels could be fucking dangerous.” Carlin ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t know where she kept them. We’ll have to search her room.”

They worked in silence for a few moments.

“They’re not here.” Joseph stopped and turned to them. Frustration was evident in the tight lines of his body. He was close to losing control over his bear, he had been ever since he’d found Gigi missing.

“Then we’ll go in by force,” Sawyer said.

“Wait.” Carlin held up his hands. “You can’t go in there. You’ll be slaughtered.”

“Watch us,” Joe told him with a snarl.

“I’ve been planning to attack Gio for months. I have plans. I have the firepower. I’ll go in and get my sister out.”

Like hell he would.

“You care more about gaining territory than you do your own sister,” Joe spat out.

Carlin’s eyes narrowed. “Careful. You’re in my domain and you’re outnumbered. If I wanted

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