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King of Iron Hearts

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That’s missing

It’s portions

Those with certain faiths know

That life is to be endured

Ruled by psalms and bibles

A sentence well served

So when the time comes to die

You will be blessed in heaven

And not cursed to bowls of a dire hell

Only, you are my heaven on earth

And the only hell I will ever know is

Life or death without you

You are not perfect


I want to kiss each imperfection

Like a constellation of freckles

On your skin

Connect the dots between them

Until they are fully understood

And remember

That I have the privilege of knowing

What so many others

Have wished they could

An astronomist; I stare and wonder.

Dirty Poetry.

I admit

I love

The crest of your hips against mine

The way your feet cross like a bow tied around my back

But I feel no shame in saying

It is the way I breathe words into your neck

And feel them sink into your skin

Floating through your head

Until you moan them back

That makes me come

Because there is no greater high

Than fucking your mind.

Wet leaked from her sex

Like an overturned jar

Of honey

I was a bear

A beast

It was in my nature

To crouch between her legs

Dip my fingers in in the nectar

And feast until the jar ran


Will you finally trust me

If I promise never to leave

If even

When I die

I vow to return

To ghost beside you as you live on

To haunt you gently through the days

To protect you like a poltergeist in violent bursts of energy

To dismiss St. Peter’s pearly gates

So that I may continue my heaven with you

Even if I cannot touch you

Talk to you

Press the kisses you like to the backs of your hands

I will eschew it all

If it means finally

You’ll trust me

I’ll never stop loving you.

I wanted a rough love

A tough love

An ‘I would fight for you’ love

A demonic possession kinda love

That fills you up to the brim

So nothing else exists and you almost

—but not quite—

Forget yourself

The love people think you can


The love priests condemn

That makes angels plummet

Straight through earth

Into the sweltering embrace of hell

Because some things are even lovelier

In the dark

Black is my favourite colour.

Do you know why a biker calls his woman

Old Lady?

Because he knows that he will still love her

When their romance is old and their hair is gray

Because he knows the only thing that will change

With time

Is that every day

He will grow to love her more

I want to teach my sons

That the only kind of man

They should aspire to be

Is the human

Who is kind to every being.

If I go

And do not return

You must know

That I wear you forever in my side

A broken rib that beats with its own pulse

Like a second heart in my chest

A piece of you inside me

I would never return

Not even to heal myself of the pain

That comes from knowing

You might never be mine again

When I die

I want to do it

With your love like celestial dust

In my veins

So when my body turns to ash

My soul will soar

And our love will be eternalized

In the stars

When I’m gone

Here are the things I want you to know:

I want you to know the first time I saw you,

I felt the shape of my heart in my chest

The weight of each beat, the heat of each churning chamber.

It all came alive as I looked at you and


My heart was never mine to own.

It had always been lost and yours

And in that moment, it was found.

I want you to know the first time we kissed

My toes curled and my mind went blank

Pure, blissful meditation in physical manifestation

The taste on your tongue was honey

Pressed between my teeth

And I knew

I would kiss you for the rest of my life if I could

And now,

I know I did.

I want you to know that sex with you

Was so much more than fingers and tongues

The flutter of our lids

That I prayed between your parted thighs

And worshiped at the twin temples of your breast

The way a votary does for his God

And I knew

I would always be your zealot

Patient and enduring

Fervent to the point of sin.

I want you to know when I am gone

That you gave me the greatest gift a person can

You gifted me your heart

But you also gave me mine

Through the prism of your love

I found the meaning of my life.

Just remember in those moments when I am not there

That my life changed the moment I saw you.

A parking lot became a kingdom

For an asphalt ruler of bikes and men

And his chrome queen who reigned over them all.

When the King dies

The revolution begins

They had no choice to go to war

Brother against brother

Because the king was dead

The kingdom was fractured

And there was no him left to hold it together.


Also referred to as a blind. Hand of cards placed face down on the table so that they are not visible to the players.

The king is dead

Goddamn the queen.

You never said goodbye.

And you always did before.

At the door to our house before work with a kiss I felt in my toes.

You never said goodbye

And you promised me you would

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