Say You Love Me - Page 3

Jeremy motioned for a waitress and ordered a scotch on the rocks. He turned to me. “Do you want anything?”

Adam glared at me and I glared back, but I figured I wouldn’t push his buttons—too much. “Thanks, I’m fine,” I answered.

Jeremy gave me his attention again. “I transferred there in my sophomore year from William and Mary. I wasn’t feeling the south. Too many churches for my liking. I kept feeling as if I was one bad choice away from becoming a pillar of salt,” he chuckled.

I laughed too as if we were sharing something.

“So, if you’re pre-law, is Professor Reed still teaching Constitutional Law?” Jeremy asked me just as the waitress brought him his drink. The woman handed it to him, and I noticed how she made a point to brush her hand against his. He gave her his thousand-watt smile and she practically melted into the floor.

I hear ya, sister. I really do.

“She sure is. And yes, she’s still the hardest teacher there. I barely passed with a B.”

Jeremy laughed. “A ‘B’? That’s unheard of for a Reed class. You must be some kind of savant.” His regard made me feel warm all over.

Adam patted me my shoulder like I was a little kid. I wanted to kick him. “That’s our Lena, the family genius.”

“I’m not a genius. Okay, maybe a little bit of a genius,” I jokingly protested.

Jeremy’s eyes sparkled. They literally sparkled. “I love a woman that doesn’t hide her intelligence.”

Oh yeah, he was so into me.

“Do you know what kind of law you plan to focus on?” Jeremy asked, his eyes holding me captive. I could smell the musky scent of his cologne. Nothing overpowering, but it was spicy and kind of smoky, and sexy as hell.

“I—uh—well…” It seemed Jeremy Wyatt had short-circuited my brain. Because honestly, all I could think about was kissing his full, utterly sensual lips.

Adam came to my rescue. “She’s interested in environmental law. Our Lena is a crusader. This is a girl who campaigned to save the sea turtles at six. Her lemonade stand was a huge success.” He said it with all the pride and admiration of a doting older brother. I didn’t know whether to be touched or to crawl under the nearest rock.

“Aww, a lemonade stand. How adorable,” Chelsea drolled, clearly annoyed she wasn’t the center of attention. She positioned her well-proportioned body so that she stood slightly in front of me, blocking Jeremy’s gaze. “Did Adam mention my charity idea?”

I saw my brother cringe slightly. “Come on, Chelsea. Let’s not start talking shop—”

Jeremy picked up on Adam’s discomfort and decided to mow right over the top of it. He cocked his head to the side as if riveted. “Please, Chelsea, tell me about your charity idea.” He met my eyes over her shoulder and gave me a sly wink. I grinned, realizing he was fucking with my obnoxious sister-in-law.

Chelsea flicked her hair over her shoulder and pushed her breasts out. “It’s called Panties for Puppies.”

I choked on the champagne I had just taken a sip of. Chelsea and Adam gave me a mirrored look of annoyance. Jeremy, moving around Chelsea, came to stand beside me and patted me on the back. “You okay?” His lips were quirking as he tried to hold in a smile.

I held up my hand. “I’m fine. Sorry. It went down the wrong hole. Please, go on Chelsea.”

Chelsea didn’t acknowledge me at all. She treated me as if I weren’t there, which was nothing unusual. She had spent most of our acquaintance acting as if she couldn’t see me. Unfortunately for Jeremy she definitely saw him and had decided to squeeze him in her succubus grip. “Women donate their old bras and underwear and the money goes towards like, animal shelters or something. Everyone wants to help cute little dogs.”

Adam looked as if he wanted to die. “I’ve told Chelsea the concept is uh...interesting.”

“That’s one way of putting it,” I muttered.

Adam rubbed his temples like he had a headache. I was pretty sure his wife was the source of a lot of migraines. Jeremy took a long drink of his scotch while he mulled the idea over. “What would you do with the panties once they were donated?” He seemed as if he were enjoying himself entirely too much.

Chelsea shrugged. “There’s a huge market out there for gently used undies. You should see what they’re going for on the internet.”

“And who's buying them?” Jeremy asked, not even trying to hide his amused smirk.

“Prisoners,” I piped up and Jeremy laughed. Adam appeared annoyed and Chelsea gave me a look of utter dislike. There was no love lost between me and my sister-in-law, that’s for sure.

Adam put his arm around Chelsea and steered her away. “I’ll catch up with you later, Jeremy. Lena, behave.” His warning wasn’t at all subtle.

Tags: Sarah J. Brooks Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024