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Say You Love Me

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After the plates had been cleared away and dessert ordered, the topic of conversation predictably turned to my future.

“Dad tells me you’ve been talking to Carris and Fenton as well as a few others,” Adam began in his characteristic balls-to-the-walls style. He had a tone in his voice that I recognized from his courtroom cross-examinations. But I had learned long ago how to handle the great and powerful Adam Ducate.

I waved my hand in dismissal. “I don’t see how it’s any of your business which law firms I’m speaking with.” I knew it would rile him, so I poked the bear a little more. “I’m fully capable of planning my own career, thank you.”

Adam was protective to a fault. Sometimes it chaffed. Sometimes, I appreciated it. Right now, I didn’t want to hear his opinions on what he thought I should be doing. It had been a bone of contention between us for over a year.

Adam wanted me to stay in Pennsylvania. He used our parents as his reasoning. “They’re not getting any younger, Lena. And you can have a great career right here. Look at me, I’ve done all right for myself.” All right was an understatement and he knew it. He, along with Rob and Jeremy, had built one of the most successful law firms in the state, if not the whole east coast.

It’s not that I relished the prospect of moving away. I wasn’t like Meg and her sister, who had hurriedly escaped Southport the second they graduated from high school. I liked the small town where I had lived for most of my life. I loved the people. I loved the narrow streets and cute shops. I was addicted to Cecilia’s coffee cake she made out of her tiny cafe on the corner of Maple and Crescent. So, my talking to firms around the country had nothing to do with getting the hell out of dodge at the first possible moment. I was simply keeping my options open. And the fact that I was being courted by some majorly impressive firms was a boost to the ego. It felt good to be wanted.

That had always been my kryptonite.

Adam’s jaw tightened and I noticed how Meg put a hand on his thigh. He responded to her touch instantly and I could tell he was forcing himself to relax. He took a deep breath through his nose and I wanted to laugh. No one could push his buttons as I could. It seemed I still hadn’t grown out of the role of a frustrating baby sister.

“I’m not trying to plan your career, Lena. I know you’re smart and capable. It’s two of the things I respect most about you,” Adam began, and I widened my eyes in feigned shock.

“Are you complimenting me?” I turned to Hannah and Jenna, clapping my hands and bouncing in my seat. “Oh my god, guys, Adam thinks I’m smart. Hold the presses.”

“Har-dee-har-har,” Adam replied drolly.

“Don’t tease your brother, Marlena. I shouldn’t have to intervene between the two of you anymore,” Mom chastised, her face flushed from the half bottle of wine she had drunk. My dad put an arm around her shoulder, and she let out a heavy sigh.

“Behave, kids,” Hannah added, enjoying the scene. Having grown up as an only child, she had always enjoyed my brother and I’s sibling antics.

“Will you just shut up, Lena, and let me talk,” Adam snapped.

“Adam,” Meg said his name with a note of warning.

Adam sat back in his chair, his easy, crowd-pleasing smile plastered on his face. That smile worked on just about everyone. He should know better than to try that shit on me.

“Are these other firms making offers yet?” he asked, and I felt myself bristle defensively.

“I haven’t sat at the bar yet. You know very well no one will make an offer until I’ve passed. I passed the MPRE in March. With a higher score than you received, I might add.” I couldn’t help but throw that in there. But I knew Adam wouldn’t rise to the bait. “I’ve applied to take the Pennsylvania bar exam in July. My MBE score can be transferred to a few other states where some firms I’m considering are located.”

Adam leaned on the table, looking earnest. “Being an associate is tough. It’s the gruntest of grunt work.”

“I worked for you for the past year; I’m familiar with grunt work,” I reminded him. “What’s this all about?”

“Just give it to her already,” Meg said, giving Adam a poke with her elbow.

“Give me what?” I asked, looking between the two of them. Why were they being so mysterious? I glanced at Mom and Dad, but they seemed just as confused as I was. Hannah sipped her wine, seeming thoroughly entertained and Jenna wore a worried expression, which was normal for her.

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