Say You Love Me - Page 24

“Jenna couldn’t make it, of course. Claimed she had to go to yoga or something,” Hannah reported. I wasn’t surprised Jenna wasn’t there. She was okay getting loaded at home but doing so around strangers made her paranoid. That was why she had refused to come with us to Club Galactica after my graduation dinner. Hannah and I never held it against her though.

“I already ordered the first round of margaritas. And nachos—because we can’t have margaritas without nachos,” Hannah announced with excitement. “After the day I’ve had, if I’m not comatose under the table by ten o’clock, I’m going to cry.”

I popped a peanut in my mouth. “Third graders getting you down?”

“They’re monsters, Lena. Every single one of them. They want to suck my soul out of me with their sticky fingers.” She waved her hands dramatically. I always thought my friend had missed her calling and that she belonged in the theater. On top of that, she wasn’t exactly what you’d call a ‘kid person.’ How she ended up as an elementary school teacher was the question of the century.

“But did Martin wear those jeans with the tight crotch?” I asked, referring to Martin Williams, the gorgeous art teacher at Southport Elementary who often took a starring role in Hannah’s masturbatory fantasies.

Hannah groaned loudly; her hand pressed to her ample chest. “Oh my god, did he ever.” She dropped her voice to a stage whisper. “I could see the outline of his wang, Lena. And let me tell you, it’s a beast.” She licked her lips suggestively. “I spent the rest of the day imagining it. Mmm.”

I laughed and threw an empty peanut shell at her face. “You’re such a slut.”

Hannah tossed the shell back at me. “I wish.”

Brad, the bartender, brought our drinks and nachos over along with extra jalapenos, just how we liked them. I picked up a chip covered with cheese and put it straight in my mouth, not caring that grease dripped all over my pants. “This adulting shit is for the birds,” I complained, sipping on my margarita. Brad had gone heavy on the tequila, which I appreciated.

“Is being a badass lawyer not as fun as you thought it would be? Or is it a certain hottie in a power suit that’s getting to you?” Hannah asked, sucking her drink through a straw.

I shoved more nachos into my mouth. “What does Jeremy have to do with anything?” I mumbled.

Hannah snickered. “Oh, I don’t know, maybe the fact that you have alternated between wanting to suck on his hot man meat and ripping it from his body for the last four years. And you’re now working with him every single day.”

I choked, which resulted in a violent coughing fit. Hannah pushed my drink toward me, which I downed quickly. “I have never wanted to suck on his hot man meat,” I protested.

Hannah rolled her eyes. “But you once said he was so dreamy and smart and that he made you feel all special—”

“Shut it, Han. That was back when I was naive and stupid. No need to throw my idiocy in my face.” I glared at my best friend who seemed unmoved by my ire.

“Oh, you mean back a whole year ago? Man, how times have changed,” she deadpanned.

Sometimes I wanted to throttle Hannah Quinn and her irritating lack of filter.

“Whatever, Jeremy is a non-issue. It’s all fine. We’re fine. Totally professional.” I slurped the dregs of my drink and signaled for Brad to bring us another round.

“Then why do you get that constipated look on your face whenever his name is mentioned?” she pointed at me, wiggling her finger.

I smacked her hand away. “You’re so annoying. I think hanging out with eight-year-olds all day is stunting your maturity.”

“And I think you still want to suck Jeremy Wyatt’s hot man meat,” Hannah sing-songed.

“What’s this about man meat?”

I looked up to see Skylar Murphy and Kyle Webber standing beside our table.

“Sky! Kyle!” I cried, standing up and throwing my arms around two of my brother’s best friends. “Come and join us!”

I moved over and made room for Skylar while Kyle sat down beside Hannah, who instantly went flirty—smoothing her hair and fixing her lipstick.

“Do I need to go into big brother mode and beat someone up?” Kyle asked, feigning fierceness. “I know Adam’s out of town at the moment, so I’m happy to step in and kick some ass if need be.”

“Dude, you couldn’t beat up a teddy bear,” Skylar stated.

“Whatever, I’m manly and stuff.” Kyle flexed a very muscular arm and Hannah let out a sigh. The woman had no shame when it came to the opposite sex. If they had a pulse, she’d be all over them.

Luckily, Kyle was a nice guy and simply patted her on the arm and moved a couple of inches over. Hannah, for all her brazenness, always took rejection well. She simply shrugged it off and focused her attention on the next moving target.

Tags: Sarah J. Brooks Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024