Say You Love Me - Page 30

I raised an eyebrow. “Huh. Interesting. That’ll be a tough sell considering she’s going to be up before Judge Kleindienst. She has a very low tolerance for repeat drug offenders and even less for young repeat drug offenders. And she’s very pro-police. Isn’t her husband a statie? She should probably try to plea it down instead. Less jail time and a fine.”

Adam nodded. “That’s what I said, but she seems to think she has a solid case for dismissal. Maybe talk to her about it. We’re meant to be mentoring her. Can you do that?”

He looked at me closely and I knew what he was really asking. Did we have to have another “talk?” Would I be able to put my personal bullshit aside?

I felt myself grow angry at the insinuation.

I sat back in my chair and gave him a lazy, yet brittle smile. “If I wasn’t able to do that, I would never have signed off on hiring her. Give me a little credit, please.” I narrowed my eyes. Adam narrowed his back. Then the tension broke and we grinned at each other.

Adam slapped his leg and stood up. “Before I forget, Meg wanted me to invite you and Rob over for dinner. It’s been a while, so let me know when you’re free.”

“Only if she makes her mom’s gnocchi. That stuff is fantastic,” I said, rubbing my stomach for emphasis.

“I’ll make sure to pass the request along.” He held up the resumes. “And I’ll give these to Lena, but you’ll need to be available for interviews. Make sure to share your calendar with her.”

When he was gone, I got up and headed straight to the kitchenette to load up on coffee. It was the only thing that would get me through the day. I went to fill the fancy machine but couldn’t find the filters. I opened the cabinet where they were typically kept, but they weren’t there. In a fit of pique, I slammed the door.

“Do you want to stomp your foot as well?’

Lena came into the room, heading over to the sink to rinse out her mug. She was wearing a grey pencil skirt and black high heels that made her legs look amazing. Her long hair was down, the way I preferred it, though she didn’t know that. She appeared well-rested and alert, unlike me, who was barely functioning.

“I’m in desperate need of coffee, but it seems the filters have grown feet and walked away,” I replied, not bothering to be charming or friendly or whatever. But it was important to never let them see you sweat. It was the mantra I lived by. Whether in court or in the presence of a woman who drove you mad.

Lena pushed past me, brushing against me as she moved to open the cabinet and peered inside. “Hmm, that’s where they’ve always been.”

“As I said, it seems they’ve walked away.” Lena barely looked at me. It drove me crazy how she could act as if I didn’t matter... As if my presence didn’t get to her. Particularly when being in the same room with her was something akin to torture.

“I wanted you to really know me,”

I tried not to stare at her round ass as she knelt down to look inside the bottom cabinets. I also tried not to picture how she would look outside of that pencil skirt. Or of her sitting up on the counter, her legs wrapped around my waist, wearing only those sexy heels…

“Here they are,” she said suddenly, holding the box aloft.

“Thanks,” I said, my voice gruff. I took the filters and quickly loaded up the coffee machine.

We stood in silence. Me waiting for the coffee to brew, and Lena washing out her cup. I wondered if she would bring up Friday night. Should I? Should I clear the air? Did the air even need to be cleared?

“Would you mind having a look over the Baker file if you have time?” she asked, interrupting my thoughts.

I guess we weren’t going to talk about it. Which was fine by me. It was probably best to pretend it never happened. Though it was hard when she wouldn’t quite meet my eyes.

“Adam mentioned it would be good for you to give your input since it was originally your case,” she went on, still not looking at me. That must be one dirty cup given how thoroughly she was washing it.

“Sure. I have some time now if you want,” I offered. The air was thick with a strange tension that was driving me nuts. It needed to be dispelled somehow.

“That’d be great.” Lena turned off the faucet and left without saying another word.

I took my time making my coffee. Let her wait a bit. It would do her good.

Fifteen minutes later I walked into her cubby hole of an office to find her hunched over her desk, a pair of reading glasses perched on the end of her nose. I had no idea she wore glasses. And they suited her. They gave her a sexy librarian vibe that definitely worked for me.

Tags: Sarah J. Brooks Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024