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Say You Love Me

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“That’s right. I did pretty well too,” Kim answered, still only looking at me.

I uncrossed my legs and leaned forward. “I’m sure you did, Kim.” The permed and teased Kim preened at my attention. I shouldn’t be encouraging her, but I could practically hear Lena seething and it was too good of an opportunity to pass up.

“Okay, well, even though you don’t have any direct work experience, the degree is a good start—” Lena started to say before Kim interrupted her.

“So, you’re one of the partners? That’s amazing,” Kim slid her chair forward. If she could have, she would have crawled over the table and sat right in my lap.

“I sure am. I’m also the best lawyer here.” I dropped my voice into a flirty whisper. “But don’t go sharing that around town. I don’t want the other guys getting upset.” For good measure, I added a wink.

Kim giggled. It was a grating sound, like nails on a chalkboard. The woman was ridiculous.

And Lena wasn’t having it.

“Okay, Kimberly, why do you think we should hire you?” Lena was trying her damndest to stop the interview from derailing. Too bad Kim could care less about giving a good impression. It seemed my opinion was the only one that mattered.

“Oh, I don’t know. I’m super smart. Really, I am. And I’m really good with people. And I’m more than willing to do whatever it takes to be successful.” Kim licked her lips and widened her eyes slightly. I knew exactly what Miss Kimberly would be willing to do to be successful.

“Those are all excellent qualities to have,” I murmured, laying it on thick. I really should have stopped myself, but I was having too much fun.

Lena slapped her palms down on the table, the noise echoing loudly. “Okay then, thank you for coming in, Kimberly.” She got to her feet and held out her hand again for Kim to shake.

Kim frowned in confusion. “That’s it?”

I gave her another sexy smile. “We have what we need.”

Kim relaxed. “Oh, that’s good.” She lowered her eyelashes that were heavy with mascara. I could see the clumps on the ends. “My number’s on the resume. Maybe you could give me a call sometime—”

“Thanks, Kim. You can see yourself out,” Lena jumped in, walking around the table to open the conference room door.

Kim slowly got to her feet, not bothering to pull down her short, short skirt. With a final coy smile over her shoulder, she walked out of the room, her ass swinging the whole way.

Lena practically slammed the door and I couldn’t contain my laughter. She glared at me. “This is not a way for you to pick up women, Wyatt,” she snapped.

“Come on, Kim was totally qualified,” I countered. Which was a lie. Kim was definitely not qualified and there was no way in hell I’d ever hire her in a million years. But Lena didn’t have to know that.

“You can’t be serious. She was awful. I thought she was going to start dry humping your leg.” Lena was practically vibrating with annoyance. She was fucking gorgeous when she was angry.

“I think you’re being too hard on Kim. Don’t be so judgy,” I chastised her, poking the bear a little harder.

Lena’s eyes nearly popped out of her head. “You can’t be serious! Me? Judgy?”

“I think we should call the next candidate. You have court this afternoon and I may need to make a call.” I made a show of picking up Kim’s resume and looking for her phone number.

“You’re unbelievable. You know that, right?” Lena stated, her voice hard, her eyes icy. Wow, she was mad.

“Tick, tock, Marlena.”

For a second I thought she was going to throw her coffee mug at my head. I braced myself, but instead, she whipped open the door and all but yelled the next girl’s name.

Unfortunately for Lena, the next three interviewees weren’t any better than poor Kimberly. None of them were particularly qualified and two of them were so nervous they could barely string two words together. Maybe I wasn’t helping matters by piling on the flirty banter, but if they couldn’t handle working around a hot piece of meat like yours truly, then they weren’t right for the gig.

When the fourth woman bombed out, Lena braced her head in her hands. “This is painful,” she complained after the granny with the mustache left the room.

“Can we just pick one already? Kim is my personal favorite. But Diane and Candy were nice too.” Honestly, none of them were particularly suitable, but they all had one thing in common, and that’s that they seemed to twist Lena’s jealousy knob.

“Are you kidding? They were all horrible,” Lena declared, narrowing her eyes at me. “I know why you liked them. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that for you, their... uh... assets aren’t in what they know.” Her pretty, full lips were pressed into a thin line. She wanted to wring my neck. It was hot.

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