Say You Love Me - Page 36

Maybe I was being harsh, but it was a genuine question. But I was more than curious how someone who had made a name for herself doing what she did so well would chuck it all in to start over from the very bottom.

Whitney’s eyes hardened her mouth set. There was a grim determination about her that was instantly recognizable. This woman had been through some shit. It took a survivor to know a survivor.

“Let’s just say, Hollywood has lost its shine for me. Have you ever been surrounded by so much fakeness, so much insincerity, that you started to forget who you really were? That you lose yourself trying to become something you were never meant to be?” Whitney’s eyes bored into mine and I knew we got each other.

This was a fighter and I appreciated that.

“I’m ready to get to know me again. And while I’m not exactly qualified to be your receptionist, I can kick this job’s ass—butt.”

“We won’t dock points for cursing, no worries,” I joked, but then I became serious again. “This job won’t be a favor because you’re Meg’s sister and Adam’s soon to be sister-in-law. We don’t hand out jobs around here. You work for them. Ask Lena.” I jutted my thumb in her direction.

Whitney clenched her hands together in her lap. “If I thought you were handing out jobs, I wouldn’t be here. That’s not the kind of person I am. I don’t want anyone taking pity on me. Ever.”

I glanced at Lena, who looked back at me. I gave her a slight nod before turning back to Whitney. “Okay then, when can you start?”

Whitney started. “I got the job?”

“Yeah, well if we didn’t hire you after that Oscar-worthy speech, I’d think there was something wrong with me,” I laughed.

Whitney didn’t smile. “It wasn’t lipped service. I meant every word.”

I shrugged indifferently. “And that’s why I’m offering you the job. So, do you want it or not? Because I have a lot to do today.”

Whitney looked at Lena then back at me before finally relaxing. “Yes, I want the job. Thank you.” She reached out to shake my hand again.

“Okay then. Lena will talk to you about paperwork and tax forms and all that stuff I really don’t want to be around for. So why don’t you go and wait back out in the reception area.” Whitney got up and headed for the door, but I stopped her. “And welcome to the team, Whitney. We’re glad to have you.”

She didn’t say anything, yet her smile was more genuine than it had been earlier. “Thank you, Mr. Wyatt.”

“Ah, none of that Mr. Wyatt crap. It’s Jeremy,” I told her.

After she left I got to my feet. “Okay, well now that’s done—”

“She won’t sleep with you, just so you know. Whitney’s not like that,” Lena said in an almost accusatory tone.

“I wasn’t planning to ask her to,” I replied nonchalantly.

“Seriously, don’t try that flirty bullshit with her. She won’t put up with it,” Lena warned. What was her deal?

“Are you worried the pretty new toy will distract me from you, Marlena?” I asked, dropping my voice low.

Lena’s eyes met mine and for a second she seemed almost vulnerable. Christ, was she actually worried I’d try and screw her friend? I knew she was upset at the possibility but trying really hard not to be.

The fact that she thought I’d try bothered me a lot. I hated that she thought so little of me.

And it didn’t matter that she was jealous, that she was strangely staking a claim on me without realizing that was what she was doing.

Because Lena was hands-off.

“I promise to not seduce the new receptionist. I leave all my charm for you, baby.” I brushed a strand of hair back from her face.

On cue, she swatted my hand away. “Don't be a dick.” She turned on her heel and walked away and I couldn’t stop grinning.

After she was gone, I went straight to my office and canceled my appointments for the afternoon.

Today was a big day for Lena and I wanted to be there for her. She didn’t have to know I was there, but I wanted to share this moment with her, whether she realized I was in the courtroom or not.

Chapter 7


“Objection. Relevance?” I called out, getting to my feet.

“Miss Ducate, that is your fourteenth objection. Can we continue without interruptions?” Judge Kleindienst asked, raising an eyebrow.

My stomach was in knots and my heart was thudding painfully in my chest. But I was making this trial my bitch, just as Jeremy had predicted.

“Your honor, Mr. Rigby has repeatedly presented information that has no bearing on this case. My client’s previous traffic violations have no relevance to his current legal issues.” Damn, I sounded as if I knew what I was talking about and my voice didn’t shake. I was proud of myself.

Tags: Sarah J. Brooks Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024