Say You Love Me - Page 43

“What if someone comes out here?” he whispered.

I looked up at him and gave him a wicked smile. “Then you’d better come quick.”

He raised an eyebrow. “That has to be the first time I’ve ever been asked to do that.”

I licked the pre-come from the head of his penis. “You can take your time later.” Then I took him in my mouth again. I worked him over, my hands running up and down his thighs, I took his balls in my hand, massaging them. I swirled my tongue around his width, loving the feel of his velvety skin in my mouth. I moved faster. Up and down. Up and down. All the way back, sucking slightly.

“I’m going to come, Lena. Fucking hell, I’m going to come.”

But I wouldn’t stop. I wanted to take all of him. So I continued to fuck him with my mouth and when he came, I swallowed every last drop. He lifted me to my feet, pressing his forehead against mine. “You’re amazing, you know that?”

“You don’t know the half of it,” I assured him, unlocking the door and leading him inside.

I turned on the living room light and started to kick off my heels when Jeremy stopped me. “Leave them on.”

We didn’t make it very far before we were wrapped around each other again. My head was fuzzy, and I was still very drunk, but that didn’t matter.

In a tangle of limbs, I backed him up toward the couch and pushed him down. He stared up at me as I slowly unzipped my skirt and wiggled out of it. I groped around for the stereo remote and turned on some music. Motorhead blared from the speakers, shocking both of us.

“This is some interesting mood music you have going on,” Jeremy remarked.

I fumbled with the buttons until the music changed to Barry White. Jeremy chuckled. “Original, Ducate. Very original.”

“Stop talking and touch me, Wyatt,” I snapped, kicking my skirt out of the way.

“Yes, ma’am.” He gave me a salute and stood up in front of me, pushing my hands out of the way. “Let me do that,” he insisted. He unbuttoned my blouse slowly, his fingers brushing my skin through the opening. He lowered his mouth to my collarbone, kissing and sucking as he peeled the shirt off me and threw it to the floor.

“You’re gorgeous, Marlena. So goddamn gorgeous,” he said in awe, his eyes worshipping me. He made me feel so wanted, so desired. “I’ve never wanted a woman so much in my life.’ He seemed to be saying it more to himself. He was lost in the moment, his gaze feasting on me. He reached around my back and expertly unhooked my bra. I refused to think about how many times he had done that before.

Not now, Lena. Don’t think about that now.

He looked at my breasts, palming them, massaging my nipples with his thumbs. “It’s my turn,” he murmured, dropping to his knees. He hooked my panties with his pinkies and lowered them to the ground.

I was still wearing my heels, per his request. He lifted my leg and kissed the side of my ankle. Slowly he made his way up my leg. When he reached my thigh, his tongue replaced his lips and I started to shudder in anticipation. He draped my leg over his shoulder, his hands cupping my ass as he made his way to the apex of my thighs. His breath was hot on my core. “You’re going to want to hold on,” he warned before his mouth covered me.

My knees buckled and I had to grip his head to stop myself from falling. His tongue plunged inside me. His lips sucked my clit. He lapped at me relentlessly. After a while, I couldn’t keep myself upright and he slowly lowered me to the floor, my legs bent at the knee, his face buried in my pussy.

“You taste incredible,” he sighed as he pushed his fingers inside me and licked my clit. He pushed me harder and higher. My legs trembled as I felt the stirrings of my orgasm.

His tongue wouldn’t let up. I cried out, screaming his name over and over again as I came violently on his face.

My legs collapsed on the floor; my hair was tangled in my face. It was then that I realized I was completely naked, yet Jeremy was still clothed.

I started to sit up, but he pushed me down. “You’re not going anywhere. Don’t move,” he commanded.

Typically, I’d tell him where to shove his demands, but I was too busy drooling as he removed his shirt and pants. His body was absolute perfection. Goddamn, he was cut. He had a six-pack and his broad shoulders were as muscular as I suspected.

“Oh my god,” I rasped, staring at him. Liking my reaction, he grinned down at me before pulling a condom from his pants pocket and sheathing himself.

Tags: Sarah J. Brooks Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024