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Say You Love Me

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“For once, you’re doing wonders for my ego,” he joked, kneeling between my legs and pulling me towards him, his erect cock standing proud and ready for me.

I went up on my elbows, shaking my hair behind my back. “Don’t ruin it, Wyatt. It’s time to shut up and fuck me.”

He licked his lips and stared down at me. “I aim to please.” He lifted my hips and positioned himself at my entrance. I arched against him, throwing my head back as he pushed his way inside my body.

We moaned together as he buried himself to the hilt. We stared at each other as he slowly glided back out, the tip of his cock teasing me before plunging inside me again.

“Lena,” he gasped my name, pulling me up so that I straddled him, his dick deep inside me. “God, Lena.” He held me tight as I rode him. Harder. Faster. He kissed me with abandon. He held me close, his hands stroking my back as we fucked.

I slid up and down his cock, taking all of him. Our position had us pressed against each other. Chest to chest. Sex wasn’t always intimate. You could screw and it didn’t have to feel like anything but grunting and grinding.

This was different. This was something else entirely. We stared into each other’s eyes as our bodies melded together. His hands sliding upward into my hair as he kissed me, murmuring nonsense against my mouth as we went higher and higher.

I milked him for everything he had. And when he came, he reached between my legs and massaged my clit so I could orgasm with him.

“Lena,” he breathed, kissing me tenderly as my body went slack and whatever energy was fueling me, dissipated.

I was entirely too inebriated for what this all meant.

“Lena,” he said again when we were finished. I was still straddling him, his dick inside me, though I could feel him going limp. I needed to move.

But I didn’t want to.

God, I didn’t want to.

He cupped my face. “Don’t regret this. Please, don’t regret this.” I had to be imagining the urgency in his tone. It didn’t make sense.

This didn’t mean anything.

Just two people who were attracted to each other, finally getting what they wanted.


I didn’t say anything.

It was best not to.


“Ugh,” I groaned, rolling over onto my side. My stomach pitched and I thought I was going to throw up. My alarm was blaring, and I smacked it until it turned off.

My head was pounding, and my mouth tasted like a cat had shit in it.

What the hell had happened last night? It was all a bit of a blur.

I stretched my arms out and hit hard flesh.

What the—?

I looked beside me to find Jeremy sprawled on his back, bare ass naked, his impressive penis sporting an obvious case of morning wood. His mouth hung open and he was snoring slightly. He sure did take up a lot of room.

The night before came rushing back. Sweet Lila’s. Playing pool. All of the drinks.

Then the ride back to my place in the taxi.

“Oh god,” I muttered, covering my face with my hands as I remembered how I had basically dry humped Jeremy in front of a complete stranger. What the hell was wrong with me?

Liquor and hormones were what was wrong with me.

And I gave him a blow job in the hallway of my apartment complex!

Dear Jesus, little old Mrs. Franklin could have walked out of her front door and seen us!

I let him come in my mouth!

I’ve never let anyone come in my mouth!

“No, no, no.” I got out of bed as quickly, and as quietly as possible. Where the hell were my clothes? I didn’t even remember making it to my bed.

My memories came back like a movie buffering. Jeremy’s face between my legs. His lips. His tongue.

I felt warm all over just thinking about it.

Then the sex. Oh, my lord, the sex.

It had been incredible.

But what had Jeremy said at the end? I could see his face in my mind. The way his eyes burned into mine. I could still feel his cock inside me. Deep. Like it belonged there.

“Shit, shit, shit.” I grabbed my robe from the back of my bedroom door and tiptoed to the bathroom where I quickly brushed my teeth and ran a comb through my tangled hair. I purposefully didn’t look at my reflection, knowing I wouldn’t like what I saw. I then made my way to the living room. I was so sore I could barely walk. Every step pulled at aching muscles.

Why did it feel as if I had ridden a bucking bronco all night?

I turned on the floor lamp to find the living room in a state of chaos. Well, there were my clothes. They were strewn about the room and Jeremy’s were in a pile by the couch. I ran my hand through my hair and made my way to the kitchen. Coffee. I needed coffee. Then I could try and make sense of this madness I’d found myself in.

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