Say You Love Me - Page 45

I’d had sex with Jeremy Wyatt. Amazing, mind-blowing sex.

And not just once either.

After we finished the first time, we took a shower together. Where he fucked me against the wall.

Then we stumbled to my bedroom and he pushed me onto my stomach and took me from behind. Then for good measure, we sixty-nined until we passed out. We had literally spent hours upon hours screwing. No wonder I felt as if I had been hit by a bus. I had used muscles I didn’t even know I had.

I filled the coffee machine and turned it on, listening to it percolate while I tried to figure out what I was going to do. Jeremy was currently sleeping... in my bed.

I hated him.

Half the time I couldn’t stand being in the same room with him.

And now he was naked on my Laura Ashley sheets.

I sat down at the kitchen table. “Ow,” I complained, the skin between my legs bruised and painful. I had literally let Jeremy Wyatt fuck me raw.

I leaned my head in my hands and tried not to freak out.

This was bad. This was very, very bad.

His face flashed in my mind again. The way he looked at me after we had sex the first time. He had held me tightly, our bodies pressed intimately together.

“Don’t regret this. Please, don’t regret this.”

Did I regret it?

Hell yeah, I did.

We worked together. Mixing business with pleasure was always a bad idea.

Damn it!

“Good morning, sunshine.” I looked up to see Jeremy standing in the doorway, still completely nude.

“Um, you want to put something on?” I averted my eyes, though it was difficult. The man was entirely too good looking.

“Oh, sorry. I couldn’t find my clothes.”

I pointed to the living room. “They’re out there.”

The coffee was finally brewed so I busied myself with making coffee. “You want some?” I asked when he came back into the kitchen, thankfully now wearing his boxers and dress shirt.

“Yeah, sure. Sounds great.” His voice sounded strange, but I was not in the mindset to wonder about it. I felt awkward and uncomfortable. And honestly, I wished he’d leave already so I could sink into a hole of mortification.

I had given him a blowjob in the hallway! What the hell?

What must he think of me? I was no better than those random hoe bags he slept with on a regular basis.

“Uh, can you get the milk out of the fridge? I know you like that fancy flavored creamer, but I don’t have any of that stuff here. I hope the milk is alright.” Dear god, I was rambling. I was filling the inevitable silence with useless drivel.

“Milk’s fine. I’m not fussy.” He handed me the carton of milk. He was standing entirely too close. I had to brush against him to reach the sugar.

“Excuse me,” I muttered, unable to look at him.

I dumped a spoonful of sugar into both of our mugs. “Shit, sorry. You don’t like sugar, do you? I can try spooning it out I guess. Though it’s probably dissolved by now.”

“Don’t worry about it, sugar’s great.” There was that tone again. He didn’t sound happy. He was probably trying to think of a way to extricate himself from this awful situation he had found himself in.

“Here.” I shoved the mug into his hand. “Do you want breakfast? I don’t really cook. But I have bread. I don’t usually eat breakfast. And I do need to get moving—”


I barely heard him. “I have an early morning meeting with Deacon Palmer. I have to start preparing for his deposition now that the Baker case is over.”

“Lena, take a breath.”

“Do you want to take a shower? You can if you want. Though the water pressure is horrible—”

Jeremy took the coffee cup from my hands and set it on the counter before turning me to face him, lifting my chin with his finger so I was forced to look at him. “Stop it, okay. Just stop it.”

“Stop what?” I asked innocently.

Jeremy sighed. “I get it.”

“You get what?” I asked in genuine perplexity.

Jeremy backed away, putting space between us. “This was a mistake, right? That’s what you’re thinking. And I get it. We were wasted. You were high on your trial win. We took things too far. Plus, there’s Adam to consider.”

“Adam?” What did my brother have to do with this?

“He’d kill me—slowly— if he knew we had—if he knew we’d been…” His words trailed off. He didn’t really need to finish his thought. We both knew what my overprotective brother would have to say if he found out his partner and his baby sister had hooked up.

“Well Adam doesn’t control my life,” I pointed out defensively.

Jeremy didn’t say anything. We stood silently in my kitchen, neither of us speaking for way too long. After what felt like an eternity, Jeremy put his cup down without drinking his coffee. “Do you want me to leave?” he asked, his voice hard.

Tags: Sarah J. Brooks Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024