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Say You Love Me

Page 46

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I crossed my arms over my chest. “Do you want to leave?”

Jeremy’s expression was cold. “It’s obvious you want me to get out of your hair. I know when I’m not wanted. And look, babe, there are enough women out there that do want me.”

His response instantly got my back up. “Oh, then, by all means, go find one of those women then. Don’t let me stop you.”

I started to push past him so that I could stomp out of the room in an inelegant fashion, but he gently grabbed ahold of my upper arm and pulled me to a stop. “Don’t get pissed at me because you had the best sex of your life last night.” His lips quirked in a sly grin. “And this morning.”

I made a face of disgust. “You’re such a pig, Jeremy Wyatt. You’re fine as long as you don’t open your mouth.”

“You liked my mouth a lot when it was making you come,” he whispered in my ear.

I threw my hands in the air. “See, you’re an obnoxious jackass!”

Without saying another word, Jeremy pulled me up against him and kissed me hard, our teeth clashing together. I pulled back, panting. “What was that for?” I barked, feeling my insides quiver. I could feel his hard-on pressed against my belly.

“I want you to shut up,” he said savagely before kissing me again.

I bit down on his bottom lip as he opened my robe and ran his hands along my body. He lifted me up, my legs wrapping around his waist as he sat me up on the counter.

“You don’t get to tell me to shut up,” I snapped.

Jeremy pushed his boxers down over his hips. “Then be quiet. Is that better?” He pulled my ass to the edge of the counter and pressed his very hard cock against my pussy.

“I guess,” I groaned as he began to ease himself inside me, my muscles straining to accommodate his size. It hurt a little after last night, but it felt so damn good too.

“I like fucking you, Lena. And I know you like fucking me too,” he said as he fit himself inside me.

“So? It doesn’t mean anything. Right?” Did I want it to mean anything? I was scared that I did.

Jeremy gripped my hips and held himself perfectly still. I squirmed against him, encouraging him to move, but he didn’t. “Stop it, Lena. We need to talk about this first.”

“Fine. I like fucking you. There, are you happy now?” This was strange. I was perched on the countertop with Jeremy’s dick buried inside me and we were talking about our... what? Relationship? I squeezed his ass cheeks and wiggled against him, making him moan. “Sex now, talk later.”

“Fine,” he huffed, finally moving.

We were just finding our rhythm when the sound of a ringing phone interrupted us.

“Is that your phone?” I panted, biting down on his shoulder.

“It doesn’t matter,” he groaned, lifting my legs higher on his hips so he could hit the perfect spot.

The phone stopped ringing and immediately started up again. And again. It wouldn’t stop. And it completely ruined the mood.

“I think you need to answer that. It might be an emergency,” I said, thinking about what he told me last night about his mother.

Jeremy looked down at our joined bodies. “Are you serious?”

“Yes, go answer your phone,” I told him, trying not to wince as he slowly pulled out of me.

“Someone had better be dead,” he laughed, and I followed him into the living room. He picked up his phone and answered it without looking to see who was calling.

That was his first mistake.

“Hello?” His eyes were still on me, heated and seductive. But his expression changed instantly. “What do you want?” And then he turned his back to me.

What the hell?

He started to walk out of the room, his voice dropping. “No, I don’t think so. Not tonight. I’m sure.”

Who was he talking to? I didn’t want to follow him, but I was beyond curious. And he didn’t sound pleased with whoever was on the other end.

“You could have texted, Sheila.”

Sheila. He was talking to Sheila Moore. One of the many women he was most likely sleeping with.

Had I just added my name to the ever-growing roster of Jeremy Wyatt’s bed buddies?

I looked down at my naked body and suddenly felt too exposed.

“I know, but it’s not a good time. I’ll call you later.” I could tell he was finishing his phone call. I quickly backed away and returned to the living room, picking up my robe and hastily putting it back on.

Hangovers and jealousy weren’t a good combination because now I was practically vibrating with anger.

When Jeremy returned to the living room, he put his phone down on the coffee table and reached for me again. “Now, where were we—?”

I should probably have played it cool. Not let on that I had been eavesdropping. But I wasn’t thinking too clearly. So instead, I lost my shit.

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