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Say You Love Me

Page 54

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“And I can pay for my own food,” she shot back.

We stared each other down, neither willing to cave. “Why is everything a battle with you?” I asked.

“Because you made this a war,” she flung back at me.

The air heated. She clenched her hands into fists. More of her hair had escaped the bun and fell in silky tendrils over her shoulders.

“Don’t,” she warned, narrowing her eyes.

“Don’t what?” I asked innocently, standing up and moving around to her side of the table. I pulled her to her feet.

“Don’t do what you’re thinking of doing,” she said weakly, the bite leaving her tone. I felt her melt into me. I loved this moment.

When she surrendered.

“I don’t like it when you tell me what to do,” I murmured wrapping an arm around her waist and pressing her flush against my front. She fitted against me so perfectly. Every curve melding completely.

“Yes, you do,” she sighed as I ran my hands up her back. I pulled out the pencil holding her hair up, loving the way it cascaded down. I leaned down and pressed my mouth against the side of her neck. She tasted like something fruity. I licked her skin, wanting to savor her on my tongue.

“The pizza will get cold,” she protested, even as she bent her head to the side giving me better access. I ran my tongue from her jaw to her collar bone before sucking on the skin at the hollow of her throat.

“I don’t care about the pizza,” I said as I kissed a trail back up her neck. Along the curve of her jaw. Up to her earlobe.

She tensed and pulled back. “I won’t be made a fool of, Jeremy,” she said with sudden ire.

I blinked away the lust haze and tried to hear what she was saying. “How am I making a fool of you?”

She pulled out of my arms enough to put distance between us. “Even if this is only sex, I’m not really interested in being one of many. I’m not saying I want exclusivity, but I’m also not big on sharing. Maybe that’s selfish of me, but—”

“I’m not sleeping with anyone else, Marlena,” I broke in, needing her to know that. It was important.

Lena looked at me in disbelief. “You got a message from Sheila just this morning. Some woman named Greta called you. Don’t play me, Wyatt.”

I held onto her upper arms so she couldn’t turn away from me. I stared deeply into her eyes so she could see my sincerity. “I haven’t slept with Sheila in months, Lena. I haven’t been with Greta since the beginning of the year. I haven’t had sex with anyone but you in a month.” I chuckled. “It’s just you, babe.”

She relaxed before growing tense again. What now?

“But that doesn’t mean there’s anything more going on here. Right? It’s only sex.” She spoke as if she needed to be convinced. Was she convincing me or herself?

If that’s what she needed to hear to be okay with getting naked with me, then I’d give it to her. Because I was slightly addicted to Marlena and I’d do just about anything to get her out of her panties.

“Just sex,” I promised.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hallway, back toward my office. “Where are we going?” I asked when she turned on the light and crossed the room to perch her ass on my desk.

She crossed her legs and leaned back. “I’ve always wanted to fuck on a desk.” Her voice was all smoke and desire and I almost came in my pants right then and there.

“Well, I like to give a woman what she wants.” I kicked off my shoes and stalked toward her. I pulled her ass toward the edge of the desk, her skirt riding up around her waist. I licked my lips and then captured her mouth with mine.

She twinned her fingers up into my hair, giving the strands a vicious pull. I responded by dropping down to my knees and ripping her underwear right down the middle. She gasped. “What the hell, Wyatt?”

Without saying a word, I buried my face between her thighs, sucking her clit into my mouth.

“Oh my god,” she screamed, bucking her hips.

I looked up at her from my position between her legs. “Still angry about your ruined panties?”

She gripped my hair and shoved my face back to her pussy. “Shut up, Jeremy. Just shut up,” she rasped.

I did as I was told. I fucked her with my tongue until she was a quivering, unintelligible mess.

She kept crying “oh my god” over and over again as I made her come not once, but twice before getting back to my feet.

“Ready for stage two?” I asked, unbuckling my trousers.

Lena’s eyes were glazed over and she was panting heavily. She reached for the waistband of my pants and undid the button then lowered the zipper. She pushed them down past my hips before digging her fingers into my ass and pulling me toward her wetness.

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