Say You Love Me - Page 55

My cock pressed against her opening. I pushed inside her. Only an inch. Then I realized what I was doing.

“Hang on, Lena. I need to get a condom,” I breathed against her mouth.

“I’m on the pill. It’s fine.” She squeezed her thighs around my waist.

I frowned. “Are you sure? I’m clean, I promise I’m always careful—”

“Jesus Christ, Jeremy, just put your dick inside me already.”

I didn’t need any more encouragement. I plunged inside her with a ferocity that had her gasping. Once I was buried to the hilt, I paused, looking down at her. She gazed back at me; her neck arched. She was still wearing her blouse, which I didn’t like. I wanted to see her gorgeous tits.

I pulled out as I unbuttoned her top. I pushed the material off her shoulders and then kissed her. Long and deep. With agonizing slowness, I thrust in and out of her all the while lavishing attention on her breasts. On her neck. On every sweet inch of her.

I could have gone on like that forever. Taking my time. Enjoying every moment. But Lena wasn’t having it. With her arm, she swept the pile of paperwork off the desk and onto the floor. She laid back across the surface, the heels of her feet digging into my ass.

“You’ve always wanted to do that, haven’t you?” I asked, my laughter turned to a groan as she squeezed her pussy, pulling me in deeper.

“Absolutely,” she grinned, reaching for me.

I climbed up on my desk, slightly worried it wouldn’t be able to hold our combined weight. When it didn’t come crashing down beneath us, I started fucking her in earnest.

“Ahhh,” Lena screamed as she came. Her vocal reaction was all it took to send me over the edge.

I felt myself empty inside her and then it was over.

I carefully dropped down beside her, rolling her onto her side so I didn’t have to pull out yet. I wanted to stay attached to her for as long as possible.

“That was something,” I smiled, pushing a sweaty strand of hair back from her forehead.

She cupped the side of my neck. “Thanks for indulging my fantasy.”

I kissed her softly. “Anytime, babe. Anytime. And I mean that. Any. Time.” I waggled my eyebrows and she laughed.

“Okay, your stapler is digging into my hip. And I’m pretty sure I heard the desk creak,” she complained.

With reluctance I pulled out, grabbing a handful of tissues to clean up the mess. I’d never been able to sit at this desk and not think of her again.

Lena crawled off the desk, grabbing her blouse and bra. “Don’t rush to get dressed on my account,” I drawled.

She snorted, shrugging on her shirt. I picked up my pants from the floor and pulled them on. When we were both more or less dressed, Lena helped me pick up the papers and office supplies she had knocked to the floor. When the office was put to rights, I grabbed her waist and pulled her close again.

“Are you going to tell me this time was a mistake too?” I asked, sounding oh, so nonchalant.

Lena let out a long sigh. “I probably should. If I had any sense of self-respect.”

Her answer bothered me. I tipped her chin upwards so that she had to look at me. “Why does being with me have to mean you don’t respect yourself?”

She tried to wiggle out of my grasp, but I wasn’t letting her go that easily. “We’ve already discussed this.”

“And I told you I wasn’t sleeping with anyone else. Can we move on from that now?” I retorted, kissing her angrily.

She returned the kiss before pushing away. “Fine. I’ll stop bringing it up. But I’ve got to get going. I told Adam I’d meet him and Meg at Sweet Lila’s.”

I grabbed my car keys and phone, tucking them into my pocket. “Oh, cool. Adam asked me too, so I’ll head over with you—”

Lena pressed her hand against my chest, halting me. “No. I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

I lifted her hand and kissed her palm. “Why? They won’t know we just screwed like rabbits on my desk.” I gave her a wink and she couldn’t stop herself from smiling.

“I think it’s best we don’t make it too obvious we’re... that you and I have been... ugh.” She threw her hands in the air.

She was adorable when she was frustrated. Hell, she was adorable in every way. I gave her a quick kiss on the mouth before she could protest. “I can keep a secret, Ducate. And if that’s what it takes to do that again. And again,” I kissed her one more time. “I’ll take it to the grave.” I crossed my heart with my finger and gave her the Boy Scout salute.

I thought for a minute I had her. She went up on her tiptoes and kissed me, taking the initiative for once.

Tags: Sarah J. Brooks Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024