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Say You Love Me

Page 59

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“We couldn’t keep a TV because my dad usually broke them when he was drunk. After a while, my parents stopped wasting their money on something that wouldn’t last.” I noticed how he flexed his hands as if he were trying not to hit something. “Of course, that was when the bastard decided to be at home at all. Relaxing in front of the TV wasn’t something I ever experienced, so I wouldn’t know how to do it now. It’s not something I would consider doing in my free time.”

God, how sad. There was always more to people than the image they projected, and Jeremy Wyatt was no different. And maybe I wanted to see that person underneath, to know him, to experience a Jeremy Wyatt that was wholly different, yet the same.

My heart hurt for the boy he described. A kid who couldn’t watch TV and who hated his father.

I took his hand in mine. “Well, prepare yourself, Wyatt, you’re about to have your mind blown.”

For once he didn’t offer a flirty quip. The mood between us wouldn’t allow it.

“Grab the bag of chips,” I instructed, and he picked up the BBQ chips I had purchased just that evening before heading home. “Now come on.”

I led him into the living room, and we settled onto the couch. Jeremy took up a lot of room. He was all buff muscle and thick limbs but somehow it felt comfortable curled up beside him.

“Any preferences as far as TV shows? Thrillers? Comedy?” I asked, picking up the remote.

“As I said, I don’t watch TV. You pick something,” he said, grabbing a handful of chips.

“Okay, it’s time to introduce you to the greatest television show of all time,” I declared as a familiar theme song filled the room.

Jeremy watched with confusion for a few minutes. “Wait. So, she’s a cheerleader? And she fights vampires? What kind of crazy shit is this?”

“Shh. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a classic. Sit back and enjoy, my friend.” I settled into the crook of his arm, resting my head on his chest. After a beat, his arm curved around me, holding me tight.

I may have shared my body with him, but this felt like something deeper than sex had been. I was pretty sure Jeremy felt it too. We shouldn’t be doing this. I should have asked him to leave. I should have reminded him this was only about fucking. That we didn’t do TV and snacks and laughter and dancing.

But I didn’t.

Instead, I stayed with him on the couch and shared my favorite show with him.

And I loved every minute of it.


“There’s something different about you. What gives? Are you using a new shampoo?” Hannah asked, reaching across the table to snag one of my fries.

“Um, no,” I replied, pulling my plate out of her reach.

Hannah turned to Jenna who was checking her phone for the thousandth time. “Doesn’t she look different, Jen? Take your face out of your phone for two seconds and look at our bestie,” Hannah snapped with annoyance.

Jenna looked up, embarrassed at being called out. She quickly shoved her phone into her purse and crossed her arms on top of the table. “Sorry, what? What am I looking at?”

Hannah let out a long, put on a sigh. “You’re both a pain in my ass.”

I rolled my eyes. Han was a total drama queen. “What’s up with you, Jenna? I’ve never known you to check your phone so much.”

Jenna grimaced. “I haven’t been checking it that much—”

“It’s glued to your face, girlfriend,” Hannah interjected.

“You have the diplomacy of a nuclear bomb, Hannah.” I shook my head. “But seriously, don’t keep secrets—”

“Says the chick keeping secrets,” Hannah cut in.

I ignored her. “We’re your best friends, Jen, what’s going on? And why do you look as if you’ve discovered chocolate doesn’t make you fat.”

“Okay fine.” Jen pulled her phone back out and tapped at the screen. She held it up for Hannah and me to see. I leaned in close trying to get a look at the picture she was showing us.

Hannah’s eyes widened. “You’re boning someone!” She clapped her hands in delight. “Oh my god, Jenna is tapping some ass!”

Jenna made a noise of annoyance. “I am not tapping any ass. I’m just dating someone. His name is Chad—”

“Ew, you’re dating a guy named Chad.” Hannah made a gagging motion.

“Shut up, Han,” I told her before turning back to my other best friend. “Where did you meet him?”

Jenna glanced at Hannah sideways. “I’m not sure I want to say.”

Hannah frowned. “Why? Did you meet him at church or something?” Jenna stayed quiet causing Hannah to cackle loudly. “Shit, you did meet him at church!” She patted Jenna’s arm. “I take back my earlier statement. You’re definitely not tapping any ass then.”

“You’re such a jerk,” Jenna shot back, shrugging her hand off. “I met Chad on this Christian dating site actually. So not at church.”

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