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Say You Love Me

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“Oh, well, I’m glad to hear she’s doing well at the law firm,” Mom said with some displeasure, obviously hoping I’d be able to provide some insight.

We finished up our breakfast. I forced down a few bites so my parents wouldn’t pester me about why I wasn’t eating.

“Are the Eggs Benedict not up to their usual standard?” Dad asked, taking a bite. “Tastes good to me.”

“I’m just not that hungry this morning,” I said.

“You need to take better care of yourself, Marlena. You’re young, but you still need to take it easy sometimes,” Mom lectured.

“I know, Mom. I’ll rest up this weekend,” I assured her. Especially since it didn’t seem that my usual fuck buddy would be coming around.

As we were leaving the hotel, Mom pulled me in for another hug. “We’re making plans for the holidays. I’ve invited June and Whitney round for both Christmas Eve and Christmas dinner,” she informed me, once she let me go.

“Of course,” I replied, not surprised. We spent most holidays with Meg’s family and had for years.

“Meg and Adam have asked to invite Skylar and Kyle as well. Is there anyone you’d like to invite? Hannah and Jenna?” Mom asked, pulling my wool cap down over my head as we walked outside.

I had been right that the sky looked like snow. White fluffs of precipitation were drifting down, settling on the ground.

“They’ll be with their families,” I said, pulling my keys out of my purse.

Mom had a funny look on her face. “No special fella you want to ask?”

I stilled. “What are you talking about? You know I’m not seeing anyone.” Was my voice too high? Did I sound convincing?

Mom pursed her lips and glanced at my dad. Sometimes I hated their unspoken conversations that were most likely about me. “Hannah mentioned you were seeing someone. She didn’t say who, just that you’d been busy with a man.”

I wanted to groan in frustration. Of course, Hannah said something. I should have known she’d never be able to keep it to herself. At least she hadn’t mentioned who the man was. Thank god for small favors!

“Well, Hannah has a big mouth,” I muttered.

Mom gave me her eagle-eyed look. “So, it’s true?”

I shrugged. “I’m not seeing anyone seriously if that’s what you’re asking. Definitely not someone I’d invite to a family Christmas dinner.”

I felt a pang deep down. I wouldn’t analyze what it meant. Not now. Not ever.

Mom appeared crestfallen. “Oh, okay. I was only hoping you’d found some nice man to share your time with. You’re too wonderful to be alone.”

I laughed. “Mom, I’m quite happy being on my own.”


She kissed my cheek and Dad hugged me one last time. I left with a promise to come to their house next week for dinner.

And I returned to my empty apartment, hating the loneliness. Missing the man who had vacated it only hours before.

I pulled out my phone and sent him a quick apology. Because he deserved it after my shitty attitude.

I waited for him to message me back. And waited. And waited.

When it didn’t come, I felt even worse.

It didn’t matter. I didn’t need Jeremy Wyatt. I didn’t need anyone.

I was such a goddamn liar.

Chapter 13


I left Marlena’s thoroughly pissed off. What the hell was her problem? Where had the jealous shrew act come from? I thought we were past that.

Of course, I wanted to see her tonight. I wanted to see her every night. But she looked like death and I was starting to worry that our frequent late nights were taking their toll. She was working hard at the office, refusing to let anyone help her out. She gave so much of herself to everyone. I was concerned that there wasn’t enough left for her.

So, when I made my suggestion to take a night off, I did it because, damn it, I cared about her. I hated seeing her sick and worn out. I thought I was being a selfless guy. But she took it the wrong way. I would have expected that a month ago but we had been spending enough time together that I thought she knew me better than that.

I guess I overestimated our intimacy.

Was there intimacy? We had been so adamant that we were only fucking. And we did a lot of that. But there were other times when it felt different. Over time it wasn’t just about sex, though that was still a huge component. Sometimes we laughed together and man that felt good. We had dinner together—always behind closed doors, of course. We even watched TV together.

I had been embarrassed to share such a maudlin story of my childhood, but she hadn’t fussed over me after I told her about never watching TV as a kid. Instead, she insisted I binge watch her favorite show with her. It felt like she was sharing something with me that went deeper than giving me her body.

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