Say You Love Me - Page 67

“Really?” I could hear Todd’s tone brighten, which made me feel worse. I did have a tendency to be so far up my own ass that I couldn’t see what was going on around me.

“Really. I’m only sorry I haven’t been by before now. You and Liz choose a day and let me know.”

“Thanks, Jer. That would be great. I haven’t watched sports in months. If it’s not cartoons, I don’t see it. Liz would appreciate it too.” There was more muffled talking on the other end. “I’ve got to go. But take my advice, for what it’s worth if you’ve messed something up, face it for once. Maybe fix it even.”

“Thanks, man,” I said sincerely.

I hung up and felt a new sense of purpose. If something was messed up, I needed to fix it.

Marlena couldn’t get past my... well, past. And it felt like the longer we kept whatever we were doing in the dark, the more muddled things became.

We needed to get out of Southport. Away from Adam. Away from all of the reasons for Marlena’s insecurities. We needed a chance to reset, relax, and maybe learn to be something else together.

I grabbed my laptop and sat down, pulling up a website. Twenty minutes later I had rented a luxury cabin in the middle of fucking nowhere for the weekend.

I heard my phone buzz but ignored it. I was making plans.

Then I quickly packed a bag and got back in my car.

If Lena needed to relax, I’d make sure she relaxed. But with me.


I knocked on her door and waited. It was almost two in the afternoon. What if Lena wasn’t home?

I pulled out my phone and checked to see if I had any messages. I was surprised to see one from Lena. From three hours ago.


I’m sorry I was such a bitch this morning. Forgive me?

Goddamn it! She was going to think I was blowing her off because I never responded. I quickly dialed her number and listened to it ring. I could hear her phone from inside her apartment. At least that meant she was home.

When she didn’t answer my call, I tried ringing the doorbell again.

“What the hell?” I muttered under my breath, starting to get worried.

She hadn’t been feeling well, what if something happened? What if she was passed out on the floor or something?

I banged on the door with the flat of my hand. “Marlena!” I bellowed.

After another five minutes passed and she still didn’t answer the door, I was ready to barge my way inside. Hanging onto my rationality, I started looking around for a spare key. I found one above the door jamb—which was a ridiculous place to keep a spare key, anyone could find it. She and I were going to have a chat about home security.

I unlocked her door and went inside. I noticed her purse on the couch, her phone on the coffee table. I checked the kitchen, which was empty, before heading to her bedroom.

“Marlena?” I called out.

I found her kneeling in her closet, pulling piles of clothes from the recesses, earbuds in, bobbing her head in time to whatever music she was listening to.

Now that I knew she wasn’t dead, I stood in the doorway and watched her. Her long hair was piled on top of her head. She was wearing a too-large sweatshirt that fell off one shoulder. Her gorgeous ass was encased in tight-fitting black leggings. The woman could wear a potato sack and be as sexy as hell.

I walked into her room and tapped her on her shoulder.

That was a bad idea.

She screamed at the top of her lungs, jumping to her feet. She whipped around and promptly kneed me in the junk.

“Arggg.” My cry was garbled, and I fell to the floor, cupping my dick and balls.

“Jesus, Jeremy, you nearly gave me a heart attack!” she shouted, kneeling down beside me.

I rolled into a ball. “I think my testicles are going to need to be surgically extracted from my body. Fucking hell!”

She didn’t look remotely contrite. “What did you think was going to happen, moron? Sneaking up on a woman by herself like that?” She glared at me. “How did you get in here anyway.”

I slowly sat up, taking long, careful breaths. I felt sick to my stomach. She might have done serious damage. “You keep a spare key above your door. Which, is a stupid place to keep a key by the way,” I wheezed.

“Christ on a cracker, come on, let me see if you’re okay.” She helped me to my feet, and I hobbled, with assistance, to the bathroom.

She started to unbuckled my jeans, but I stopped her. “Not that I have a problem with you handling my balls, but I think I can look for myself.”

Lena dropped her hands. “Fine. Whatever.”

Tags: Sarah J. Brooks Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024