Sweet Little Nothing - Page 64

I guide her to a little corner booth, and as soon as her ass hits the seat, she's on me. "Well, let's hear it then."

"Look, I know you asked me not to say anything to her. And I know I disrespected you by doing it anyway."

"You're not so good at apologizing, huh?"

A smirk threatens to break free at her sassiness, but I roll my lips inward, suppressing the urge. "That's because I'm not apologizing, little mouse."

Frustration colors her cheeks pink. "Then why are we here?"

"I said I'd explain, not apologize. They’re not synonyms."

A server runs our burgers out, placing them before us with flourish. I want so badly to dig in, but I know Emmalyn's not going to touch her food without my explanation.

"Look, going behind your back was a shit thing to do, sure. But the thought of her forcing you to do all of the work was driving me insane. I know how much work that project requires, and it's more than you can do on your own. It's my fault you're in the predicament and I just...wanted to make it right."

She rolls her eyes, a sigh escaping her plump lips. "Your heart was in the right place, and what I'm about to say is going to sound pretty rude, but... You didn't talk to her for me, you did it for you. You felt guilty and wanted to ease your conscience. I get it, and I get why you did it. But please stop pretending it was to help me. It wasn't."

Fuck. Why is all this attitude she's throwing my way turning me on?

"Fair enough." I nod. "Can we move past this if I swear to never go behind your back again?" Even as I ask the question, I'm lying. I'm hiding Rob's ongoing threats, but this time, it really is for her.

She contemplates my offer for a minute before offering me a single, decisive nod.

"Good. Let's eat."

"Oh my God!” she exclaims around a mouthful of burger. "How is it this good?"

"Try the fries."

She wastes no time, grabbing one and popping it in her mouth, moaning her delight as she chews and swallows.

Much to my surprise, she puts away her entire meal, plus her dessert. Emmy can eat, and frankly, it's hot as hell. Most of the women in our social circles peck at their salads while longing for the feast their date's eating.

But not Emmy, and this only serves to make me want her a little more. She's different; she refuses to fit the rich girl stereotype, and I love it.

"Oh, another thing," she says, licking raspberry sauce from the tines of her fork.

"Hmm, huh?"

"Professor Ellison is your freaking uncle?"

"Oh, yeah. He's mom's twin."

"That's why you're able to basically run his class, huh?"

"He doesn't really care anymore, to be honest, thanks to his book deal."

"Good for him, I guess." She goes back to her cheesecake, gathering up the last of the graham cracker crust crumbs onto her fork.

She pops them into her mouth, and like Cupid struck me with an arrow, I suddenly can’t wait a second longer. "Let me take you out."

Emmalyn quirks her head to the side. "Are we not out?"

I grin as I rise from my seat, offering a hand to her. "No, like for real. On a date."

"Oh. Um." Her eyes are as wide as our cleared lunch plates and her cheeks are as red as the raspberry sauce from her dessert. She's flustered, and it's fucking cute.

If I was a smarter man, I'd be more discreet with my interest and affections, but I want her to know I'm into her, and I refuse to let Rob Pearson control me. He's wreaked enough havoc in Emmalyn's life as it is.

He put her destruction in my hands, but instead of hurting her, I'm going to heal her. I'm going to give her back all he took tenfold.

I just have to get Emmalyn on the same page.

"Come on, little mouse. Take a chance on me...on us."

She finally takes my hand, and I haul her to standing from her seat. She allows me to guide her toward the exit and I take full advantage, wrapping an arm around her waist and tucking her into my side as we retrace our steps to where I parked.

"You're not...you really mean it? Like you're serious?" Emmalyn stops at the passenger door and tilts her head my way, staring up at me from beneath her long lashes.

"As can be." I back her into the side of my car, caging her in with my arms. "Say yes. I swear you won't regret it."

Her eyes flit from mine, to the ground, and back again. "I think I probably will, but okay. Yes."

I'm half-tempted to fist pump in my victory, but I rein it in. "Are you free Friday?"

Emmalyn nods.

"Good. I'll pick you up at four." I step back and open her door.

Tags: L.K. Farlow Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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