The Wicked Prince - Page 42

Chapter Twenty-Eight


My head was pounding, but I managed to make my way to the car that was waiting to take Adeline and me away. She wanted to get a gift for Elias for when the baby arrived—a watch engraved with the baby’s name, which would later also have his birth date and time. It was a ridiculous gesture, in my opinion. She was the one who grew a human and would be pushing him out of her vagina. If anyone deserved a present, it was her. I wasn’t going to tell her that though. If she wanted to get him something for this, that was on her. Besides, we were also going to look for dresses for the Christmas gala and that was the kind of shopping I could get behind. She smiled when I stepped into the car with a shiver.

“It’s cold today.”

“I know. I asked Thomas to get more space heaters for the gala because of it,” she said.

“I got them,” Thomas said from the front seat.

“Should I go to the jeweler first or the designer?” Pierre asked.

“Jeweler, please,” Addie said, then turned to me. “Did you sleep well?”

“I did, but woke up with a massive headache. Maybe it was the wine, even though I didn’t have much of it. I think I fell asleep at eight. I can’t remember the last time that happened.”

“That is early.” She frowned. “Are you feeling okay?”

“Just tired.” And emotionally drained.

“I had an interesting conversation with Aramis last night.”

“Oh?” My heart pounded. “What about?”

“You, mostly.”

“What did he say?” I swallowed.

“That this relationship is all pretend.” She eyed me closely.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I should have.” I felt my face grow hot and my eyes water. He’d told my best friend about us without consulting me? I wasn’t sure what hurt more. That or the fact that he truly didn’t feel anything for me.

“I don’t care.” She set a hand on mine. “Just be careful, Joss. And speak to him. I know you both and I know how much you like to keep your feelings bottled up. I don’t think it’s a good idea in this case.”

“What am I supposed to tell him? That I have feelings for him? That I don’t want to pretend anymore?”


“I can’t.” I shook my head. “He’ll just make a joke out of it. Or call the whole thing off.”

“I don’t think he will do either of those things.”

“The Queen Mother is against it.”

“She told you that?” Addie raised an eyebrow.

“Not in those words, but basically she made it very clear that I was staff.”

“That’s because you’re the best at your job.” She shot a look toward the front seat. “No offense, Thomas.”

“None taken, Your Royal Highness.”

“So cheeky.” Addie rolled her eyes with a smile.

The only time she let anyone on the staff refer to her as Your Royal Highness was when they were in public. Everyone knew that saying that in private made her uncomfortable.

“It wasn’t like that,” I said. “She was telling me to know my place.”

“She refers to you as family.”

“And now staff.”

“Joslyn.” Adeline sighed heavily. “Please don’t get in your feelings about this.”

“Why not? My feelings are valid.”

“I’m not saying they’re not. I would never say that, but you have the tendency to exaggerate at times and this may be one of those times.”

“It’s not.” I crossed my arms and looked out of the car. “Do you know how difficult it is to plan an interview for a man you have feelings for and his son’s mother? Whom he just met, by the way.” I looked at her again. “He had no recollection of this girl whatsoever, and now they’re . . . you should see them.” I sighed, shaking my head. “It’s like they’ve known each other their whole lives. The way he takes care of her and the way she looks at him like he walks on water.” My stomach churned at the memory.

“You’re jealous.”

“I am.”

“You have every right to be, but it’s not her he wants. It’s you.”

“He said that?”

“Basically.” She shrugged a shoulder, smiling. Butterflies swarmed my stomach. “Just, please, talk to him.”

“Okay.” I smiled back.

“Well, you two were gone a long time,” the Queen Mother said upon seeing us. “I want to see what you got for the gala.”

“Adeline got the most gorgeous, flowy, Valentino dress,” I said. “It’s a dream.”

“And you?”

“Also a Valentino, but more of a classic, black, long dress.”

“With the most exquisite exposed back,” Adeline said. “We would have invited you to come with, but I know you had a breakfast scheduled this morning.”

“With Esmée, yes.” The Queen Mother smiled. My heart dropped into the pit of my stomach. “I just wanted to prepare her for the questions.”

“Is the journalist setting up?” I asked, ignoring the pang in my chest.

“He’s ready to go. Will you grab my son? He’s in his cottage. Oscar is running around with Rose.”

Tags: Claire Contreras Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025