refuses to speak
to the father who
left her in his dust.
A visit now,
the same time as
Hunter’s baptism?
I can just hear
Mom: That bastard
has to plan
a visit to Reno,
a place your sister
and I figured he’d
forgotten about?
Why does he have to
remember it now?
I Expect Her to Say
Exactly that. She doesn’t.
But what she does say is enough
to make you cover your ears.
I never knew my mom could
have such a foul mouth! You
fill in the blanks. They scare me!
That mother——ing sonofabitch!
Did he spend all year, waiting
for just the right——sucking
moment to f—up what should
be a perfect day? He has no
——ing right! No right at all.
I simply cannot believe
that pr—would dare show