Meth usually makes me yak.
But not tonight. Tonight, all
I could think about was
Trey. Trey. Trey.
After dinner I
played with Hunter,
watched TV with Mom,
Scott, and Jake, like nothing
was new, nothing different.
But everything’s different.
And I’m scared.
I mean, yes, I’m
happy. Excited, even.
But nothing seems to go
right between me and a guy.
[Stop overthinking it,
would you please?]
I’m trying to!
I really like Trey
a lot. He’s incredible.
So what does he want with
me? Besides the obvious, that
is, and he could get that
with pretty much any
girl. Why me?
One more thing
bothers me, but just a
little, because I’d probably
be doing it anyway. The meth.
Is it a requisite, a necessary part