Glass (Crank 2)
Page 267
to have met the guy I’m in love with.
I’m glad she agreed
to hook up with us, even though
Mom was livid.
She brought Hunter
along. And yes, he remembered me.
Every High
Has an equal, measurable low:
Baking cookies with the girls. Slice-
and-bake dough,
a brand-new oven, and spotless
Teflon cookie sheets,
and no matter how hard I tried, how diligently
I watched them, I burned every
single batch.
LaTreya’s observation:
Mommy never burned the cookies.
My first real argument with Trey,
after a three-day
bender, both of us booming toward
a major crash.
He had the nerve to mention this
girl in Stockton
who has a thing for him, and tell me she’s cute.
This fabulous information: