Job Description:
No salary, but decent commission for offing overpriced lemons. (Caveat: Lots of used car lots; few suckers.)
Job Title:
Rap video extra.
Job Description:
Major bucks for slinking around on set, pretending to fawn over rap star. (Caveat: Some rap stars are phonies.)
Job Title:
Stage mother.
Job Description:
Shuttle your kid from casting call to casting call, hoping he’ll get paid something someday. (Caveat: You and thousands of stage mothers.)
Job Title:
Mail-order minister.
Job Description:
Perform cheap outdoor weddings for tips because you can’t afford to own a chapel. (Caveat: Most couples prefer a hokey chapel.)
Job Title:
Golf tournament caddie.
Job Description:
Great tips for wearing short shorts and lugging older men’s heavy clubs hole to hole. (Caveat: Not always talking golf clubs.)
Job Title:
Part-time limo driver.
Job Description:
Long hours on call, unless you’re ballsy enough to work the airport and dredge up biz. (Caveat: Might as well drive a taxi.)
Job Title:
Job Description:
Not really sure what that is.
You bet. But the truth
is, for Kristina, the next