Bet Carrows will have it.
Carrows pumpkin pie?
Think I’ll skip it. Burgers?
Maybe they have turkey
burgers. Jeez, man. Even
foster homes celebrate
Thanksgiving, trying to
make up for real parents
who aren’t real parents.
Hey, I’ve never been much
of a cook. And Kortni?
Let her do a turkey, we’ll all
get the trots. And anyway,
the important thing is being
together, right? Thankful
we can be like a real family.
“Like” a real family. I’ve never
actually had one of those, and
I’m not exactly sure what I’d do
with one if I got one. Don’t even
know if I want one of my own
creation. Marriage? Children?
Sounds like a double whammy
to me. You don’t even see that
happily-ever-after crap on TV
anymore. Death. Divorce.
Deviance. That pretty well
describes network television
in the twenty-first century.