The Truest Thing (Hart's Boardwalk 4) - Page 106

“You okay?” Iris demanded as she strode into the house.


“The sickness at my place?”

I nodded sheepishly.

Iris sighed.

“Do you want tea?”

She shook her head and crossed her arms. I gestured for her to sit but she stayed standing. “So … how long has this thing between you and Jack been going on?”

I felt like the real answer was nine years. But when I thought back, this thing really started just before Devlin blackmailed him. “About five years.”

Iris’s eyes widened. “Holy … what?”

I sighed and sat. “Can you sit? I don’t want to crane my neck looking up at you the whole time.”

“Pregnancy comes with an attitude, huh?” Iris teased, sitting on the sectional.

“Oh, you of all people know there is an attitude buried under the blushing,” I huffed. “I think the pregnancy is just making me care less.” That wasn’t entirely true. I still cared. I was anxious about becoming gossip fodder for the Hartwell masses.

“Five years, Emery?” Iris insisted.

“On and off.” I shrugged. “Mostly off. I’d decided it was definitely off last summer and then everything happened with his father and I realized Jack’s reasons for staying away from me were legitimate and then we slept together and he left me to go deal with his family, which is fine but not right after you sleep with someone!” My rambling anger echoed around my house. It surprised me.


I shook myself out of my hurt. Or I tried to. “He’s not right for me is the conclusion.”

“Does he want to be right for you?”

An ache, deep and hot and painful, seared my chest. “He … wanted us to be a family for the baby, but I said no. And he was fine with that.”

Completely fine.


I knew it was contrary of me, but I was mad at him for not even putting up a fight. It proved I was right about him. Jack Devlin was not the one. The one would fight. He would fight for me.


My pain must’ve shown in my eyes because Iris frowned with concern. “We’ll all take care of you. And one day, you’ll find someone. The right someone.”

“Oh yes.” I waved away the thought because I couldn’t even think of romance right now. “But you don’t have to worry about me, Iris. While Jack and I aren’t going to pursue a relationship, he is very insistent on being a part of our baby’s life and the entire pregnancy.”

Iris harrumphed. “Well, we’re still here if you need us.”

“I appreciate it.”

“Now, outside of Jack, how are you feeling about becoming a mom?”

Iris chatted for over an hour, taking me up on that offer for tea. When she got up to leave, I clasped her hand in mine before she could open the door.

“I know you’re not much for sentimentality, Iris,” I teased. “But I don’t think I’ve ever thanked you for giving me a safe place to turn to the moment I got here. I think of you as family. I hope you know that.”

Iris squeezed my hand right back. “The feeling is mutual, my girl.” She leaned in and kissed my cheek. “Now, you call if you need me. I’ll be mad if you don’t.” She pointed to my belly. “That kid in there is gonna call me Nana Iris so I’ve got rights.”

Tags: Samantha Young Hart's Boardwalk Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025