Welcome to E. Mayberry - Page 69

I handed Tension his shot glass and his lime. I licked the spot below my thumb and tossed a pinch of salt on the wet spot.

“To getting to know someone new,” I said.

“And finding something new in the process,” he added.

“Yes, I like that,” I agreed.

We clinked glasses, I licked my salt, downed my shot, and sucked my lime. Tension watched me with the fascinated look of a young boy getting a new toy. I must have looked like a shiny new plaything he couldn’t wait to get his hands on. He threw his shot down his throat and licked his bottom lip.

“No salt and lime for you?” I asked.

“That’s pansy stuff,” he said.

“How about this?” I said as I sucked on his lime slice, making sure my lips were nice and coated with the juice.

I pointed at my lips and he knew what I wanted. He slid closer, tilted his mouth slightly, and kissed me softly, letting his tongue cross over my lips to lick the lime away. I squeezed my legs closed again, giving my pussy that pinch I so craved.

“I don’t think I want to tell you any more of my story,” I said. “Let’s forget E. Mayberry and concentrate on us.”

His hand rested on my thigh but tightened its grip as it slid upward, his fingers on t

he inside of my leg, until he found my pussy. One finger circled my clit, only my cotton panties there to prevent it from going all the way.

“Is it strange that knowing you were taken advantage of when you were there makes me want to burn the place to the ground?” he asked.

He hadn’t heard the rest of the story so he didn’t know the outcome. I realized I really did need to finish it.

“You don’t understand,” I said. “I guess maybe you do need to hear the rest.”

“Then tell me.”

I kissed him one more time and then sat back, sipped my whiskey, and went back to my story.

“So as I was saying, I got zapped. Someone stopped me from leaving Erotic Mayberry. When I woke up, I was in a doctor’s office and a female doctor, Addie, the one I’d met at the party my first night in the neighborhood, was leaning over me, playing with my necklace. Bastian was behind her.

I remember coming to my senses immediately when I saw him there. Anger hit me and I wanted to pummel him with both fists but I was strapped to a bed.

“Keep him away from me,” I said.

“Sunshine,” Dr. Addie said, “Relax. We’re almost done here and then you can go home with Bastian.”

“I don’t want to go anywhere with him,” I said.

She smiled and her teeth were too white, almost blindingly white, and her eyes were a strange shade of grey that I’d never seen before. I wondered if she wore colored contacts. Her face wasn’t beautiful by any means but her eyes…they were captivating. She played with my necklace a little more, fumbling with the pendant, when suddenly a wave of euphoria washed over me. Total relaxation. Total clarity and happiness and all other feelings of joy went down my arms and down my legs and everyplace else.

“Come here,” the doctor said to Bastian who moved closer to me.

She took Bastian’s hand and intertwined her fingers with his, her hand on the back of his, and brought his hand between my legs.

“Touch her here,” she said.

Then she pushed his hand against my pussy and my body shook. I know how unbelievable this will sound but one touch at my pussy and I was coming. I screamed and I don’t mean yelled or cried out. I mean I fucking screamed like someone had shoved a hot coal up my ass. It was a scream of pure ecstasy.

“Oh God!” I yelled. “Again, please!”

I begged him to touch me like that again.

“One more time,” the female doctor agreed.

Tags: Chris Genovese Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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