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The Prince's Bride (Modern Fairytales 2)

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His father raised a hand, silencing the other man immediately. Leo tensed, because he knew what was coming—and he didn’t like it one bit. “Wait. Why would she run away from a mere conversation?”

Leo cursed inwardly, but smiled. “I don’t know. How much sleep did you get—?”

“You’re hiding something.” His father frowned even deeper, then his face lit up with intuition—which was the last thing Leo needed right now. “You were intimate with this woman last night, weren’t you?”

“I…” He gritted his teeth. No matter how much he might wish otherwise, he couldn’t lie to his father. “Whatever happened is my business.”

“Hmmm.” His father pointed at him. “When it affects you, it is my business. And I know my son, and the face he makes when he’s hiding something.”

Leo gritted his teeth, nodding once.

“Well, then, you know what you have to do.”

Leo stiffened. If he did this to Alicia, she’d never forgive him, and he wouldn’t get a shot at that second chance with her he’d always wished he could have. “I can’t, not with her. She’s not like us. She won’t understand. And it’s such an outdated custom that really needs to be—”

“It doesn’t matter who she is, or where she came from. You were with her, and you can’t risk that there might have been an heir created in the process.” His father picked up the pen on his desk and frowned at it before setting it down. “You’re well aware of our laws and customs, and you know that if a future ruler might have been created, a child that could possibly run our country one day, you have to detain the woman in question—no questions asked. It’s our way.”

Leo clenched his jaw, remaining silent.

If he brought her here under those circumstances, under outdated laws…

No. No fucking way.

He shook his head. “I can’t do it. Not to her. And I was careful. I always am.”

“Did you sleep with her?” his father asked slowly.

He cast a quick glance at Harry. His aide glowered disapprovingly at him.

Leo swallowed. “Yes.”

“Then she has to stay. She’s a flight risk.” His father frowned. “I outrank you, son. If I say something needs to be done, then it’ll get done, whether you like it or not.”

Leo remained silent because it was true.

He was the king, after all.

His father rested a hand on his shoulder, sighing. “I’m sorry, but it must be done. Think of it this way. You’ll be under the same roof with her. Maybe it’ll give you that second chance you always wanted. I remember you pining over her back then.”

That had obviously been a one-way type of thing. She didn’t remember him. Why would she? They were kids. But he’d never forgotten her. In many ways, she’d been his first love, and no one had ever lived up to the standard she set. He’d dated enough since then to know that even though they’d been kids, what they’d had was special. Crazy, but true.

Leo didn’t say anything in reply.

There was nothing to say.

He never should have touched her last night.

“Release a bulletin immediately, Harry,” the king said. “Under my command, not his.”

“No,” Leo said, stepping forward. “If we’re going to do this, then I’ll take full responsibility for it. After all, it’s my fault she’s being forced to stay here.”

And he’d pay the price.

If his actions made Alicia hate him in the end? Well, then, so be it. He’d made his choice. She was free to make hers.

Harry frowned. “We could just pretend it never happened. She’s an American. Who cares if there’s a baby, anyway?”

Leo studied Harry. He’d always been a bit of a snob, but that was cold, even for him. “I do. And so will the people of this country.”

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