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Why was I here? I needed to leave. Showing up here would only cause me more heartache, especially if Charles was home. Where was he living? Was he living with Rachel? I stared at the gate wondering why our love wasn’t enough.

You’re the only girl for me, London.

On countless occasions, Charles whispered those exact words to me. What else had been lies between us? There was no way our love was as strong as I thought with how fast he moved on.

Wanting to leave before I was seen, I turned just as a car pulled up. I jumped, not expecting anyone. I stopped breathing, praying it wasn’t Charles. When the face became visible, I released the air I’d held. Caroline, Charles’ mom, eased up in her Lexus as I moved out of the way.


Would she want me here? This had to be strange with me showing up unannounced to my ex’s house. The stress affected me. I started to back away. “I’m so sorry. I was at the cemetery. Then, I ran and I wasn’t thinking. I’ll leave now. I didn’t mean to show up uninvited.”

I turned to start jogging when Caroline called after me. “London, please wait.” Stopping, I closed my eyes ready for anything. A car door opened. Caroline was always kind to me, but being convicted of murder could change how a person looked at someone. All of the loss proved that.

A hand gently pressed on my shoulder and I turned around to face her. “Come up to the house. Charles is gone until tomorrow. I thought your letter said you were getting released next week? I planned to come by your dad’s place to welcome you home.”

Letting out a sigh of relief, I watched her tentatively. Caroline and I were close and maybe somewhat of a relationship with her could be salvaged between us. I missed our long talks. She had been like a second mom to me.

Caroline looked me over and a loving smile graced her lips. Her crisp pink suit reminded me of something Jackie Kennedy would wear. Not a blonde hair out of place. Caroline was the picture-perfect image of a senator’s wife.

“Can you come up to the house, London? I would love to catch up.” I’m sure I looked half-crazy in my jeans and light jacket, sweating and all my makeup cried away.

I took a deep breath. “I can only stay for a few minutes before I need to head back to Dad’s. I told him I’d only be gone for a few hours.”

“Of course, dear. Would you like for me to drive you back?”

“I appreciate it, but I think I’ll walk back. I like the exercise. It feels good to be outside.”

She gave me a tender look as she slid into the driver’s seat of her silver car. “Of course, London.”

After getting in, we drove up to the large estate as Caroline talked about various changes. The three-story home always reminded me of a fairytale with the large white columns and black shutters. The water fountain in the middle of the circle drive only added to the magnificence.

Getting out of the car, Caroline waited for me at the bottom of the steps. “Can I give you a hug, London? I’ve missed you.”

Maybe there was hope for me to stay in touch with Caroline. My smile was genuine. “Yes, of course.”

Caroline wrapped me in a hug. “Welcome home, London.”

“Thank you, Caroline. I mean Mrs. Paddington.” Charles and I weren’t together anymore. I had to remind myself. I looked around for her husband, Charles Senior. Since Charles was named after his father, this was how Caroline differentiated between the two.

Pulling back, Caroline looked at me. “It’s still Caroline. I know things got difficult between you and Charles, but I never stopped thinking of you as one of my own. And I know Charles Senior feels the same way.”

Tears welled in my eyes. Charles left me. I thought it had been because of his family, but maybe it was his choice after all. I wasn’t as close with Charles’ dad, but no one really was.

“You and Charles Senior will always have a special place in my heart.”

“Let’s go have some hot tea and catch up.”

I followed Caroline into the pristinely designed home. It felt as though I stepped back into the Civil War times with the ornate furniture and lavish fixtures. Fresh flowers could always be found strategically placed throughout the home, giving off a divine smell. Not much had changed since I left.

We entered the study done in rustic wood walls. Charles and I did our homework together in this room. A few times we’d made out in here, but never anything more. That was always saved for the bedroom.

I pushed the thoughts aside as I sat on the floral loveseat with Caroline. The aroma of hot jasmine tea filled the air as she poured us a cup from the sterling silver teapot.

At first Caroline visited every once in a while, but it brought too much unwanted attention to me at the prison—making me more of a target. I’d suggested the visits be limited. Instead they’d sent me things to make my life easier. “Thank you for all the care packages you sent. I know you received my thank you letters, but I wanted to tell in you person.”

Caroline took a sip of tea. “I know, dear. I wish we could have done more, but didn’t want to overstep my bounds and bring you more heartache. When Charles told us of his decision to end things, it broke my heart. Charles Senior and I weren’t expecting the breakup. I asked if it was because of the election, but Charles assured us it wasn’t. I still wish things had gone differently.”

I worked on schooling my shock at this news. All of this was drastically different from what Charles told me, but now made sense. He needed a scapegoat and his parents fit the bill. Charles knew I loved his family and wouldn’t want them hurting. With me behind bars, what could I do once he broke ties and dated the town’s debutant? If I said anything, I would be the scorned murderer behind bars.

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