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“Isn’t it wonderful, Caroline? Oh, we’ve been waiting for this moment for so long.” Rachel’s mom paused. “You have company? Oh . . . I heard you were released.”

It was obvious Rachel’s mom, Agatha, recognized me. The snarl on her lip obvious evidence of her feelings for me. Caroline protectively stood in front of me.

My hands shook. Charles stepped around Caroline. “London? You’re out?”

On shaky legs, I stood and forced a calm façade. “Charles. Rachel. Congratulations. I ran into Caroline on a run. Mr. and Mrs. Graves, it’s nice to see you.”

Agatha peered at me with her steely-gray eyes. Why I felt the need to explain myself, I wasn’t sure. Caroline invited me up to the house after she found me at the gate. Charles was supposed to be gone. Rachel looked at me with a masked hatred, a trace of indignation on her face.

Stay pleasant.

This isn’t your life anymore, London.

Rachel hung on Charles more possessively, her long black hair looking bouncy like a shampoo commercial. Rachel was always a pretty girl in school who wanted to be known and adored by the masses. Charles’ career ambitions, which no doubt included more than the mayor’s office, would accomplish that for her.

Charles’ warm chocolate eyes melted and his features were soft—like he used to look at me, only sending the knife deeper into me. A stark contrast to the dream that still lingered.

An awkward silence fell on us. Caroline cleared her throat, but I spoke first. “I need to be leaving to get home to Dad. I was released early and wanted to thank Caroline, but don’t want to intrude on this happy occasion. Again, congratulations.”

“Let me see you out, London.” Caroline’s calming nature kept the situation from spiraling out of control.

I followed her to the front, ready to be out of this awkward situation. I never wanted to be in the same room as them again if at all possible. There was too much history there. Maybe someday I wouldn’t feel the hurt. Until my heart mended some, it was best to stay away. Nerves overtook me as I heard my heartbeat pounding in my ears.

Emotionally, I was done for the day.

We reached the door and Caroline gave me a quick hug. “Call me and we can do lunch. I’m sorry about that. They weren’t supposed to be back until tomorrow. I know it’s hard.”

Hard was an understatement, but she wasn’t the person to share my sorrows with. This was supposed to be a happy occasion for the Paddington’s. “It’s okay. I need to get going. Thank you, Caroline.”

“Anytime, London.”

I jogged down the driveway, needing away from this place. Seeing Rachel and Charles happy made everything real. Charles moved on. He chose someone else to be his wife . . . have his children . . . share his life with.

It was time for me to move on.

Nearly making it to the gate, Charles called, “London, wait! Please!” I stopped and closed my eyes, slowly turning around. When was this day going to be over? There was nothing left for me to give.

“I had no idea you were out.” I wasn’t sure how to respond. “You look beautiful.” I blanched at his comment, eyes going wide. “London, hell, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I saw you and it was like four years ago. It’s hard not feeling . . . something.”

He left me. He chose to leave me. I only nodded instead of saying those things which would expose me and further my humiliation. We needed a subject change. “Caroline says you’re running for mayor. Congratulations.”

An indiscernible look crossed his face. “I am.”

He took a step closer and the familiar pull to be near to him coursed through my body. It was the ingrained natural reaction since Charles was all I knew. We’d been each other’s first kiss, lost our virginity to each other, experienced everything . . . together. I wanted to take a step closer, but that was wrong. He’d left me. He was engaged. Charles pledged his undying love to someone else.

“London, we weren’t supposed to be home until tomorrow. I would have never come here if I’d known. London, I want—”

I raised my hand and talked over him. This wasn’t healthy. He had a fiancée. “This is your parents’ home. I won’t stop by anymore and make it awkward for you and Rachel. I’m okay, Charles. Now that I’m out, I can start over. I’m starting over.”


I took a step back and Charles took a step forward. This needed to stop before my heart was totally obliterated in the emotional blender. “No, I get it, I do. Charles . . .” I paused. “I thought at one point our love would be enough, but sometimes it’s not.”


I held up my hands. “Please, Charles. Nothing else needs to be said. I won’t be a problem for you or Rachel. Regardless of what happened that night, I’m still me.”

“I didn’t think that, London. I never thought that.”

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