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Page 23

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“No, she’s gentle. I’ll show you.” With a scoop of feed in my hands, I held it out for Sparkles to eat. Gently, she consumed the treat. “Good, girl. How are you liking your new home?”

In response, she neighed. I winked at Ty. “I think she likes it.” I nuzzled the side of her face and felt Ty’s hands grip me tighter. If I remained calm and showed Ty how gentle Sparkles was, maybe he would trust her more. “I’ll let you rest one more day, girl. We’ll ride tomorrow. Show Ty a couple of your tricks if he wants.”

“She can do tricks?”

I knew that might get his interest. “A couple.”

“What kind?”

“You’ll have to wait and see.”

Scrunching his eyebrows he watched me, then Sparkles. “Can I try feeding her?”

“Sure. She’ll love it.”

Giving Ty some feed, he held his hand out and giggled. “She’s nice like you said.” Obviously, Ty was used to horses as he stepped out from behind me to touch her muzzle. “You promise you’ll show me her tricks?”

“Of course. We’ll come here after breakfast, if it’s okay with your grama and grampa.”

A clanking sound brought our attention to down the way where helpers were feeding other horses. Ty took off to his grampa. Watching him was like seeing a ping pong ball in action. I loved it. At night, I would sleep well after watching Ty. Glancing over my shoulder, I was tickled as Ty energetically talked to Levi. I gave Sparkles a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll be back, girl. We’ll ride tomorrow. They’ll turn you out to pasture in about an hour or so. Okay?”

I got an answering nudge. A few workers entered from the opposite end with supplies for cleaning the stalls. Levi and Ty approached while Ty said, “Tell her, Grampa. Tell her.”

“Ty told me about your plans tomorrow. He—”

Too impatient, Ty interrupted. “He said I can come watch the tricks.”

“Perfect. Why don’t we get your chores done? Then, we can have fun the rest of the day.”

Taking my hand, Ty pulled me like before. Levi called after. “Be gentle, Ty.”

“I promise, Grampa. We’ll feed the chickens. That’s it. Do you know how to feed chickens, London?”

“It’s been a long time. Do you mind showing me?”

“My dad says I’m the best chicken feeder. I’ll show you how.”

Ty was in the main house finishing up his shower while I dressed in my pajamas. He wanted to stay with me in the guesthouse. I wasn’t comfortable with the idea this early on and I was sure Pam agreed. Babbling through an easy let down, Pam saved me when she suggested I could sleep in the main house. The little guy was too adorable to say no to. Apparently Pam had the same problem.

I wasn’t sure where his mom was, but she didn’t seem to be in the picture at all. In essence, we were both without our moms. Kindred spirits so to say.

With my phone in hand, I made my way back to the main house. The night air felt refreshing. Glancing up at the sky, the stars shone bright. Sometime soon, I would make time to lie on a blanket and gaze up into the stars.

“London! Hurry! It’s time to read!” The tiny body of Ty bounced up and down on the back porch.

Pam chuckled and shook her head beside him. “I told him to be patient, but he was anxious.”

“I’m excited too.” I bent down. “Why don’t you pick out one book for me to read? Then, we’ll have to go straight to bed to get our strength. Sparkles likes to perform her tricks in front of well-rested people.”

“Yes!” Ty took off upstairs and I followed.

Pam wasn’t far behind when I entered his room. On his lap was “Green Eggs and Ham” by Dr. Seuss. “I love this book. My dad read it to me when I was a little girl.”

“Mine does too. He said he’s going to make me green eggs sometime. Will you help him?”

“I’d love to. I made them as a kid with my dad.”

“Yes! You’re the best, London! I’m glad we’re friends.”

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