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“You’re crazy, but I love you dearly.”

“Forever and always. So . . .” Millie waggled her eyebrows. “Jaxson McCole.”

I knew this was coming. The one-liner approval I received earlier today was not enough for Millie. Keeping it simple, I responded, “Yes.”

“You know I want more details than yes. You seem different with him. I mean different from how you were with Charles.”

Unconsciously, I bit my lower lip as I thought about the man working his way past my defenses. “I feel different. There’s something deeper there that brings me to life. We have to be smart about this because of Ty. Letting our hormones take control like today is not the answer.”

“Or let things happen how their supposed to.”

The words were easier said than done with my over-chaotic brain that circled around and sometimes wasn’t sensible. The threads of the afghan danced between my fingers as I confessed what happened. “We came close to sleeping with each other today. It stopped right before you got here. He wants to make it special.”

A warm hand landed on mine, stopping the thread’s movement. “London, it should be special. You deserve special. But . . .” She waited for me to look up. “Don’t overthink it. You’ve over-thought things your whole life—every decision with the pros and cons and the effects. You lost four years. Don’t risk losing something else because you are scared.”

“When did you get so wise?”

She bumped my shoulder. “I’ve always been older and wiser.”

“By two months. You’re only older by two months.”

We laughed. Taking a more serious note, I asked. “How’s your mom?”

“As good as can be expected. Her spirits are high. The last CT Scan showed the tumors were shrinking.”

I held Millie’s hand. “Good. Keep me posted and let me know if you need anything.”

On the other side of the door I could hear the code being entered. I had a feeling it was a certain five-year-old boy. Jaxson and Pam offered to change it to keep Ty out, but I thought it was adorable. Millie watched as the door swung open and slammed shut. Ty took a deep breath in his cute jeans and blue super hero T-shirt while closing his eyes. “I think I tricked them.”

“Who are you tricking, Ty?”

Ty saw me, and his eyes lit up. “Grama and Dad. They said you had a friend and I couldn’t bother you. I figured you were missing me. I told them I was going to the bathroom, but ran out the back door to you. Was I right?”

He hopped on my lap.

“I was missing you something fierce.” I squeezed him and kissed the top of his head. “This is my friend, Millie.”

Holding out his hand, Ty said, “I’m Ty McCole.”

Millie shook his hand and gave me a he-is-so-adorable look. “Nice to meet you, Ty. London has told me a lot about you. Said you guys are best friends.”

He stood straighter. “We are. Did you know my dad likes London a lot?”

Conspiringly, Millie whispered like it was top-secret knowledge. “Really? How do you know?” This piqued my curiosity. Five-year-old intel was truthful.

He leaned in closely and whispered. I leaned in to make sure I heard everything. “I can tell by his goofy grin when he talks about her. He talks about her a lot. He says—”

A knock at the door had us all looking like we were caught doing something bad. Ty and I looked at each other as Jaxson’s voice came through. “Ty Edward McCole! I know you’re in there.”

“Save me, London. Make him give that goofy grin.”

Giggling, I said, “Stay here, buddy. I’ll try and get the goofy grin.”

I tiptoed to the door and glanced back. Ty could barely keep his laugh in as I innocently said, “Who is it?”

“Jaxson.” That voice was sex on a stick and then some.

“What can I help you with?”

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